Month: December 2017

Marketing | 27.12.17
Pets may not be able to complain about an aching back or painful shoulder, but that doesn't mean that they don't suffer from these and other maladies. When a visit...
E-Commerce | 18.12.17
Do too many patients leave your office without purchasing frames? No matter how many frames you display, your sales will be disappointing if your selection doesn't appeal to your patients....
Marketing | 18.12.17
iMatrix and Crystal Practice Management have announced a partnership to bring web marketing services to Crystal PM’s clients. Crystal PM provides a comprehensive practice management software solution that is widely-endorsed and...
Marketing | 13.12.17
Visits to the vet can be traumatic for cats and their owners. The experience can be so upsetting that cat owners might be reluctant to return for annual visits, electing...
Website | 11.12.17
The focus of “ADA compliant” websites has become a hot topic of discussion lately. You’ve likely heard of the issue by now, but perhaps you’re not entirely sure what it...
Patient Communication | 11.12.17
When you open up your office in the morning, what do you do? Chances are, you review your schedule, check your phone messages, and then check your email. In fact,...
Marketing | 04.12.17
Running a sales promotion can be a valuable tool to bring more new business to your practice as well as increase the visibility of your brand. While we know consumers...