Month: September 2018

Website | 26.09.18
What are guest posts? Guest posts are when a colleague or industry professional writes a blog that you publish on your website or you write a blog that is posted...
Marketing | 19.09.18
Generally, as a local business, you want to write about something new or newsworthy related to your practice or an event. Did you learn a new technique or purchase new...
Social Media Engagement
Marketing | 17.09.18
Do you have a social media profile for your business? If not… it’s 2018! It’s time to hop on this trend because social media isn’t going anywhere any time soon....
SEO | 14.09.18
If one of your business goals is to increase your SEO game, improving your site’s search engine results page (SERP) ranking should be a priority. In order to be found...
Marketing | 10.09.18
Despite the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing, email continues to be a marketing staple for small and large businesses alike. How often have you opened an email from your favorite...
Marketing | 05.09.18
Website analytics. Every good website has them, whether they are through your website provider itself (as iMatrix offers) or through Google analytics. But what do they mean, and what do...
Marketing | 04.09.18
In order to succeed as a small business, having a strong online presence is essential. However, it can be difficult to manage your online marketing when you are already swamped...
Patient Communication | 03.09.18
Did you know that the success rate of selling to a client you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new client is 5-20%? Better...