Great Customer Service with the Best Marketing Company

Our 12,000+ clients know why we’re better than the other guys. You want in on the secret too?

Our internet marketing support is important to us; because our clients come first. According to the BBB, we have a 99.997% client satisfaction approval rating and we’re currently rocking a 4.5 star review average on Google! So if you’re looking for the best internet marketing company to support your practice, no need to look elsewhere.
Choose from an array of service offerings tailored to fit any size practice and you’ll get exactly what you need and want. And there’s always room to expand your online presence with iMatrix if you find your practice needs more than what you initially started with, including a wide variety of brand new design options that you can switch to at any time.
When you sign up for online marketing service with iMatrix, you’re not only getting the best product in the market from the industry leader, you’re getting top-notch US based Client Support with it. Our Client Support Team is available for the entire length of your service and we’re here when you need us with new extended business hours, never at an additional cost to you.
And our client portal includes everything from basic tutorials, SEO help, webinars, videos, and more! We want you to succeed and are here to provide the tools you need to do just that. Simply click on our Resources tab on our website to find everything available to you.
Here’s what our current clients are saying:

“Had great customer support with Joe M, who quickly and efficiently answered my questions and was able to assist with my webpage edits immediately.” – Marissa B.
“I’ve been with iMatrix for nearly 5 years and I’m always very pleased with the care and attention to detail when I call in requesting help with changes to my website.” – Candria K.
“The technical support staff at iMatrix were very helpful and patient, and spent time with me on the phone troubleshooting the problem until we resolved it. I’m very appreciative of your perseverance and help!” – Applewood Veterinary Hospital

If you find that you’re at the point where you are ready to take your practice to the next level, speak with an iMatrix Internet Consultant to discover what solution would make sense for your current needs and practice expansion goals.
Find out why we dominate our competition and how you can dominate yours too by calling us today at 800.943.6423!PGNlbnRlcj48ZGl2IGRhdGEtaWQ9Ijk4ZGQ2MWYzOGQiIGNsYXNzPSJsaXZlY2hhdF9idXR0b24iIG9uY2xpY2s9InBhcmVudC5MQ19BUEkub3Blbl9jaGF0X3dpbmRvdyh7c291cmNlOidtaW5pbWl6ZWQnfSk7IHJldHVybiBmYWxzZSI+PGEgaHJlZj0iIyI+PGltZyBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vaW1hdHJpeC5jb20vd3AtY29udGVudC91cGxvYWRzLzIwMTgvMDUvbGl2ZS1jaGF0LWJsb2ctMS5qcGciIGFsdD0iaU1hdHJpeCBMaXZlQ2hhdCIgd2lkdGg9IjgwMHB4IiBoZWlnaHQ9IjIyNXB4IiBib3JkZXI9IjAiPjwvYT48L2Rpdj48L2NlbnRlcj4=

Let Us Help You Gain And Retain More Ideal Patients

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