7 Tips to Build Patient Loyalty

The majority of small businesses generate more than half of their annual revenue from repeat customers. While automated marketing can help keep your clients coming back for more, that’s just one piece to the puzzle. We’re sharing a few tips on how you can increase client retention rates to keep the clients you’ve worked so hard to bring in.

7 Tips to Build Patient Loyalty

1. Great Customer Service

The number one way to increase client retention rates is to make sure that you are delivering great customer service. Whether it’s adding a personal touch to each interaction – like noting a client’s birthday on their file and sending out a birthday card – or using automated care reminders to give your clients that gentle nudge they need to make that appointment, customer service should be at the center of your practice.

2. Provide Information Easily

To ensure that your clients know what to expect from your practice and are informed on the services you offer, keep your website up-to-date. This is the easiest way to provide information to your clients.
Establishing a professional, optimized website platform can help you increase visibility in local searches for your services and showcase your practice to potential new patients searching online. It doesn’t just appeal to new prospects, an updated website also helps your current customers find you quickly when they need you. Ensure website visitors are able to readily access your practice over the phone or online appointment request through a mobile-responsive website.

3. Create Targeted Offers

The more you know about your customer, the more you can keep track of what’s important to them. Tailor offers to specific segments of your client base to have the biggest impact. Today’s client is growing less responsive to mass marketing. They prefer a personalized touch.
Consider sending out incentives based on annual exam dates and use customized email communications to ensure that the client receives them along with their appointment reminders so they keep coming back time and time again. You can include this offer messaging in the automated “Request an Appointment” emails or send specific marketing offers to clients before the appointment request is sent so it’s fresh on their minds when it’s time to book their next appointment.

4. Focus on the Entire Experience

It’s been proven that managing the entire client experience as a whole is a better way to keep customers. The conversation cannot stop once the first appointment is booked. It is critical that practices send personal communications consistently. In today’s competitive environment, it is not enough to rely on a practice’s service to hold onto customers.
For example, one of the most critical messages you can send is a welcome email. Customers are five times more likely to engage with you in the first 3 months than at any other point, so it’s very important that you reach out to them from the beginning, not just at the end.

5. Nip Issues in the Bud

If a client expresses concern or mentions a bad experience, take the necessary steps to resolve that issue right away. Don’t let it linger or the client may have a bad taste in their mouth when they receive that next appointment reminder.
When that appointment comes up, follow up with the client to make sure that they have been taken care of and answer any additional questions they may have. However, you must also know when to cut your losses. Not every patient is the right fit for your practice. Knowing that ahead of time will alleviate frustration on both sides.

6. Say Thank You

You’d be surprised at how far a ‘Thank you!’ will go these days. With so many competitors, it’s important to remember that the basics in customer interaction are key. Be nice, build a relationship, and say thank you for their patronage. Consider following up with an automated Thank You email after appointments to reiterate your gratitude. Let clients know you appreciate them and their business no matter if they’re first time customers or regulars.

7. Build a Relationship

By doing all of the above, you will build a strong relationship with each client to help earn loyalty. And once you have a loyal patient, it’s hard to lose them! But this process isn’t a one and done type of deal. In order to build a solid relationship, you need to make sure that communication lines are open and you continue to nurture each patient relationship. In doing so, you will further solidify the bond your patients have with your practice and staff.

Build your clientele and increase patient loyalty with these helpful tools.

In addition to custom, mobile-responsive websites and advanced search engine optimization that can improve your website’s search rankings, we will soon offer the tools you need to take your business reputation and patient relationship management to the next level.
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