How to Revamp Your Practice Post-COVID-19

As the country prepares to open back up, it’s important that your practice be ready for a resurgence and be ready to continue to provide healthcare services to your patients. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on many small to medium-sized businesses across the nation, but now is the time to put your best practice management strategies into place. 

Devising an infallible marketing strategy and having that as your foundation can help you to take your place as the top practice in your local area. 

How to Revamp Your Practice to Prepare for Post COVID-19

4 Ways to Revamp Your Practice 

In order to revamp your practice to prepare for post-COVID-19, we’ve come up with the top 4 ways to get your business ready for what’s next. Let’s begin. 

1. Create a Small Business Marketing Strategy 

In order for your patients or clients to be updated on any information regarding your practice post-COVID-19, you must revise or start with a completely new plan for how your business will market to current and prospective patients. 

You and your staff should begin this process as soon as possible so that you are ahead of your local competition in reaching out to your community. Rebuilding your marketing strategy should include:

  • Adjust Your Google My Business Profile – Be sure that your contact information and business hours are all correct so patients can communicate with you. 
  • Make Use of PPC AdsTaking advantage of pay-per-click ads can get your practice’s website to the top of Google’s search results pages and be easily found by patients. This will help to increase your website traffic. 
  • Engage With Followers on Social Media – Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer a great opportunity for you to communicate with patients or clients in a less formal setting. You can also use social media ads to market your practice and increase brand awareness.  
  • Implement SEO – Search engine optimization is one of the most important steps to help you move up to the top of the results pages. You can optimize your website by creating custom valuable custom content, gaining backlinks, improving your page speed, and conducting keyword research for your industry. 

Read On: How to Improve the Success of Your PPC Campaign

2. Update Your Website

Update Your Website
Having a website with up-to-date information can save you the trouble of having unhappy or misinformed patients. Upon reopening, you should have as much information as possible available to your patients. 

Your current phone number, address, and social media pages should be accurate so patients can easily communicate with you. 

If you provide relevant and factual content about COVID-19 on your website, that can benefit your patients as well. Depending on your industry, you can give them updates and information on how the virus may be affecting them. 

For instance, if you are an eye care professional, it would be helpful to inform patients on how the virus may affect their eyes or caution them on touching their eyes

Read More: 9 Marketing Tips for Your Practice During COVID-19

3. Prepare Your Staff

Prepare Your Staff
Patient safety is of the utmost importance in the midst of a pandemic. You want your patients to feel safe and cared for when they walk into your practice. 

You can take the necessary precautions to protect you, your staff, and patients by implementing new policies at your practice to avoid potentially spreading or exposing anyone to the virus.

Some of the most important steps your staff can take to ensure the safety of anyone who comes into your office are as followed: 

  • Communicate with patients before their appointments about symptoms by sending emails or making a phone call. If they say they may be feeling a little under the weather consider rescheduling. 
  • Make sure your staff has PPE so they are also protected while they are working with patients. 
  • Emphasize the importance of washing your hands properly and for at least 20 seconds with warm water. 
  • Provide supplies such as soap in the restroom, hand sanitizer, disinfectant, tissues, and wipes. Make sure trash cans are available so they can dispose of any used materials. 
  • Have a staff member ready to greet your patients at the door before every appointment and explain the safety measures you have put into place. 
  • Properly sanitize your office after a patient leaves by disinfecting surfaces that are touched often. 

4. Understand Your Patients’ Needs

Understand Your Patients
If your practice had to close temporarily due to the virus, before you open your doors again, understand exactly what your patients’ needs are, and figure out how you can prioritize those needs. 

What services are most of your patients requesting? What appointments are routine exams versus more urgent matters? How can you help your patients while also making sure they feel safe? 

In order to answer these questions, one of the easiest ways to receive feedback is to email your patients. Email marketing is a quick and simple way for your patients to tell them your honest opinion about what they need. You can send all the patients on your subscription list a small questionnaire for them to fill out and answer any questions you may have. 

You can also utilize social platforms to get answers as well. Many social media platforms have a poll or question feature where your followers can give you feedback on different topics. Emailing and posting on social media can help you maximize your reach. 

Learn More: Email Marketing Best Practices

Practice Management Tools to Help You Prepare for Post- COVID-19

Preparing your staff and patients to slowly return to a sense of normalcy while also prioritizing safety, and revisiting your marketing plan is essential in revamping your practice 

There are multiple steps involved in preparing your practice for life after the pandemic passes, but you don’t have to do it all on your own. We can make the process fast and easy for your practice by providing digital marketing services to help reach as many patients or clients as possible. 

Be ready to give your current patients what they need while also generating new ones. Give us a call at 800.792.8384 or click here to discover our digital marketing solutions.

Let Us Help You Gain And Retain More Ideal Patients