Top Hashtags for Veterinarians in 2024

Did you know that pets are among the most popular topics on social media? From Instagram to Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) to TikTok, pets are always among the most popular hashtags. As a veterinarian, how can you take advantage of their popularity?

Look at trending and must-have hashtags you can incorporate into your veterinary social media posts. We’ll also spill some of our top tips for using hashtags.

women using hashtags

How Hashtags Work

A hashtag is a word or phrase written after a hash (#) symbol or sign. In social media, hashtags allow cross-referencing content by topic or theme. For example, if you’re an expert on cats and posting funny content on them, you can add hashtags like #cats or #funnycats.

First, you spell phrases without space when using them in a hashtag. You can add numbers but shouldn’t include punctuation marks or symbols. You can place the tags at the start, middle, or end of your post or comment.

Hashtags are still one of the most effective ways to increase engagement on your social media posts, especially on Instagram and Twitter (now X). You can propel your content into a top post for your niche with the right hashtags.

In their simplest function, the hashtags you use on your posts can fuel the search results on the Instagram Explore page. Hashtags are a way to categorize and label your posts, and they can attract more people with similar interests.

When used strategically, they can lead you to the right people, a.k.a, people who love dogs and the other animals you cater to. Even if these people don’t follow you on social media, you can drive them to your platform using the right hashtags. You can even leverage hashtags to create or fortify your online community.

Why You Should Be Using Hashtags in 2024

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Hashtags have been around for years, and while they seem like an old social media strategy, this tool remains as relevant as ever. The right hashtags can give your posts a boost. Here are some key benefits you can enjoy with hashtags:

  • Gain more followers
  • Boost reach and increase views
  • Make the most of a trending topic
  • Promote vet clinic events
  • Reach specific target markets around your veterinary center

Your Must-Have Hashtags List

To turn your content into top posts, you should be flexible with your hashtags. To reach more clients, we’ve prepared a list of go-to hashtags to have on hand for any upcoming posts.

  • #Veterinary
  • #Vet
  • #Veterinarymedicine
  • #VetMed
  • #Veterinarian
  • #VetUSA
  • #pet(s)
  • #DogHealth
  • #CatHealth
  • #PetHealth
  • #PetHealthTips
  • #VetClinic
  • #VetStudent
  • #VetLife
  • #VetNurse
  • #VetNursing
  • #PetHealthTips
  • #VetCare
  • #PetCare
  • #VeterinaryClinic
  • #Catsofinstagram
  • #dogsofInstagram
  • #Puppy
  • #Kitten
  • #Animals

Content Ideas for More Specific Hashtags

veterinary social media posts

Before you determine which hashtags to use for the week, brainstorm all the types of posts you want to have so your team can create content accordingly. Some can be a bit more specific to holidays, local events, or trends. Of course, the accompanying content should suit the hashtags.

Here are some quick post ideas that you can use to inspire more hashtags:

  • Holiday posts like #Halloween24, #Christmas24 or #Thanksgiving24
  • Local community events like pet adoptions #petadoptions
  • Vets answering common questions #QNA
  • Inspirational content stories, pets that were rescued #rescue #emergencypetcare #animallovers #VetSurgery
  • Pet holidays like #Nationaldogday or #Nationalcatday
  • Pet of the week with a poll and #petoftheweek
  • Facts about animal care #pettrivia #animalhealth #petcare
  • Introduce your staff or give a tour of your office #officetour

Your team can also explore posting daily pet patient videos for social media, using hashtags like #dailyfeed #petpatients #furryfamily. Tags can also be a stellar way to drive attention to pertinent issues in veterinary medicine. You can use tags like #EndPetObesity or #AdoptDontShop to spread awareness and get more support from like-minded individuals.

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Our Do’s and Don’ts of Hashtags

puppy and kitten photoshoot

Have you determined which popular hashtags you can use for content? Here are some helpful tips to make the most of tags on your next posts:

Tip #1: Do Save Your Hashtag Lists

Try creating a list of possible hashtags on a separate sheet or document. Refer to this list to see which tags best suit your post. This trick can make scheduling posts faster and easier.

Tip #2: Don’t Overuse #

A big mistake you should avoid making on platforms like Instagram nowadays is using too many tags. A paragraph full of hashtags that may not pertain to your post is not the best way to try and create engagement. This could hurt your post more than help its performance. You can attract more fake users or bots than real followers. That being said, incorporating a few valuable tags into your posts is still a good idea.

Tip #3: Do Mix It Up

Instead of limiting yourself to using the same two or three hashtags every week, you should consider shuffling your lists frequently. It’s also worth noting that unique hashtags work, as opposed to the most popular hashtags that could quickly result in your post being buried.

Tip #4: Do Use Your Location

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Always add your veterinary practice location because this is a stellar way to attract more clients to your area. One of the great benefits of Instagram is the ability to share your practice’s location in every post, creating more brand awareness in your local community. This simple trick shows people how near your clinic is to them.

It would also be ideal to publish posts that show the inside or outside of your clinic. This trick would make it easier for people to find your practice. When sharing your location, you shouldn’t limit yourself to a hashtag.

You can also use geotags and create posts centered on local events. These are great for creating engagement in the practice’s area and standing out from local competitors. In short, creating quality content on Instagram and Facebook is as relevant as creating content for your other platforms.

Tip #5: Don’t Spam Hashtags

While it may seem harmless to use tags unrelated to your post but ones that are still trending, this is considered a spam tactic. For example, let’s say you post about food recommendations for senior dogs and use hashtags like #bestdogfood, #dogfoodtips, #seniorpets, and #petadvice. Still, you sneak in popular hashtags like #Taylorswift, #President2024, or #Olympics24.

These other tags are irrelevant to your post and can get your posts reported or blocked by several users. They may also bring negative attention to your profile, and users in your area may lose trust in your brand. Either way, it’s not worth the risk.

Tip #6: Use a Social Media Calendar

A social media calendar is a valuable organizational tool for veterinarians, as it saves time on posting for their practices. With a calendar, you can specify the headlines, post topics, photos, hashtags, and deadlines for posts weeks or months in advance. It’d also be more accessible to move or edit posts if needed.

Creating a social media calendar can empower you to take a step toward creating high-quality content. You can use tools like Trello, Hootsuite, or HubSpot to keep everything simple and centralized. Alternatively, you can search for other social media management tools and services to save time for your practice and stay organized in all your digital marketing efforts.

Finding Popular Hashtags with iMatrix

Determining the best social media strategies for your practice can be challenging, given everything you have on your plate. However, you don’t have to be on this #journey alone. Our digital marketing experts at iMatrix can help you find the best social media strategy to reach your target audience and crush your goals. Contact us today for a free consultation, call 800.792.8384, or click here.

Author: Liliana Cervantes

Liliana Cervantes is iMatrix’s resident content specialist who works on all our online blog resources. She provides the iMatrix website with high-quality content to provide our readers with plenty of information to educate and inspire them with their digital marketing efforts. Liliana writes about tips and trends for readers to try on social media, their website, and their own blog content.

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