Chiropractic Email Marketing Tips To Know

An effective chiropractic marketing strategy can help you reach your business goals. Email marketing is sending messages to promote your products, services, and discounts. With the right email marketing strategy, you can create patient loyalty and entice new patients to visit your practice.

So, how can you use email marketing to your advantage as a chiropractor and promote your business? Investing in chiropractic email marketing will elevate your business and strengthen your client relationship. This blog will identify the key components of creating a successful email marketing campaign.

Email Marketing Benefits: Why Is It Important for Chiropractors?

You can reap many benefits with the use of email marketing campaigns. Email marketing is a controllable marketing asset that can generate revenue. Chiropractic email marketing allows your business to communicate with your audience without a third-party intermediary or algorithm that can control your engagements.

More Website Traffic

First, email marketing can drive more traffic to your chiropractic website. You can lead more new patients to explore your website and its content by including hyperlinks in your email. This allows existing patients to learn more about your practice and current offerings.

Increase in Online Bookings

Secondly, more traffic to your website can increase your practice’s online bookings. Email marketing is an excellent way to encourage more patients to schedule a consultation with your training. Patients can set appointments anytime, anywhere, through your online booking link. This allows more people to request a consultation even after your operating hours.

Improved Client Communication

Email marketing improves client communication through regular updates. A weekly email lets your patients be updated with the latest changes in your practice’s schedule, services, and promotions. Regular emails keep your practice top of mind for patients in your area.

Outlet for Creativity

Email marketing is an excellent outlet for creativity and personalization. After all, a catchy mail campaign can be an effective lead magnet. It’s all a matter of messaging. With the data you have on hand, you can personalize every email sent to approach clients like a friend. For example, you can reach out to inactive patients by wishing them a happy birthday or season greetings. Include their names in the email instead of a generic “Hello There.”

You provide your audience with valuable content. Valuable content reinforces your authority as a chiropractor practice. This solidifies your reputation as a trusted healthcare provider, attracting more prospective patients needing your services.

Better Patient Retention

Above all else, the benefits of email marketing can improve patient retention. You can strengthen your business relationships with current patients by regularly contacting them.

Email Campaign Types

Next, know what type of email you want to send out. Now that you know the benefits of email marketing, let’s get some ideas of the types of emails your chiropractic practice can try if you’re not already doing so. 

1. Welcome Emails

If you’re communicating with new patients, sending a welcome email is a great idea. A welcome email is a chiropractic practice’s first online impression with new patients. A welcome email is integral to a patient’s experience because it introduces your clinic. This is an excellent opportunity to invite new subscribers to follow you on social media or drive them to your website.

When writing a welcome email, you should be inviting and grateful. You should express how thankful your practice is that the new patient decided to connect with your practice. You should also invite this person to learn more about your practice through other resources like your website and social media pages.

2. Standard Types of Emails

Meanwhile, standard types of emails allow your clinic to send appointment reminder notifications, follow-ups, and updates on your practice. Once a patient expresses interest in your services, you must follow up with them proactively. This will help your practice maintain professional services and clear communication.

With enticing messaging, you can drive their interest and make sure they push through with their appointment. 

3. Promo Emails

You should amplify your marketing strategy through email campaigns when you have ongoing promotions. Promo emails increase awareness of ongoing special offerings. You may also offer patients something special via email to be more enticed to book an appointment online.

For example, you can offer a discounted rate for a booking through that email message. You may also provide special rates to new patients. The goal is to entice more visits through incentives that promote your practice.

4. Seasonal Campaigns

You can also take advantage of the holidays by creating seasonal campaigns. You can turn special holidays into opportunities for more people to visit your clinic. Seasonal campaigns are similar to promo emails. The main difference is that seasonal campaigns focus on a certain holiday, only sending them within a specific time frame. The email subject line should indicate that the message is tied to the holidays.

For example, you can develop subject lines focusing on Christmas in December. You can use Christmas fever as a stepping stone to encourage current patients to return to your clinic. You must keep the messaging upbeat and festive when delivering seasonal campaigns.

5. Review Request Email

Proactively asking for feedback from your current patients is essential to boosting your reputation. You can request a review via email for existing patients to share their experiences at your clinic. You can use these reviews to improve your practice’s reputation with their consent. Kind words from your patients can drive interest in potential patients. You can also use their feedback to improve your offerings moving forward.

6. Educational Emails

Your chiropractic email marketing isn’t just a way to promote new offerings and services. You can also establish your practice’s authority by sharing your expertise on exciting topics. Educational emails are an excellent way to showcase your knowledge of pain management. It shows people your practice knows what it’s doing and can help them address their treatment concerns.

Chiropractic Email Marketing Tips to Propel Your Practice to Success

So you may be wondering, “How do you get results for chiropractors with email marketing?” There are various ways to maximize your email marketing software and attain your goals. Here are some tips to make the most of your monthly email newsletter:

Create Branding for Your Email Marketing Campaign

When you send emails, you might prioritize the chiropractic care text you’ll share. However, there’s more to emails than a stellar body copy. You should be mindful of the colors and fonts you utilize because they impact the overall vibe your practice will convey.

Branding is more than just your aesthetic. You should also determine the voice you’ll be utilizing. Your brand voice should embody everything your business stands for.

Choose Your Audience

Who are you writing to? Are you communicating with former patients, current ones, or prospective patients? The people you’re targeting determine the tone of the email message you’ll be sending to. Every email message should be customized according to your chosen audience.

Plan the Best Email Marketing Strategy

Now that you understand the myriad benefits of leveraging email communication, it’s essential to clarify the types of email newsletters you’ll be sending out. Your options are vast and varied, ranging from promotional emails and product launches to informational content and customer surveys.

For example, if you run a chiropractic clinic, your email marketing strategy could include a mix of promotional emails, such as special discounts on spinal adjustments during ‘Wellness Months,’ and informational content that educates your subscribers on the importance of regular chiropractic care for overall health. Periodic customer surveys could also be sent out to gauge satisfaction levels and solicit suggestions for new services or improvements.

Create Catchy Subject Lines

So, one of the most important questions you may ask is, ‘How do I get people to read my emails?” The subject lines you choose matter. Your email campaigns should have compelling subject lines to ensure open rates are good. 

The truth is that not all recipients of your chiropractic email marketing campaigns will open each message. Your subject lines can impact your email open rate tremendously. Email open rate is the percentage of subscribers who open a specific email out of your total subscribers. 

Here are some excellent ideas you can take inspiration from:

  • Incorporate numbers: You should detail how many tips they can expect from that message.
    Example: 10 Ways to a Healthier Life!
  • Make it a question. You can compel people to learn more about your services by asking interesting questions. Example: Do you want to know why your lower back always hurts?
  • Use urgency. You should highlight that if you’re promoting a discount exclusively for a specific date.
    Example: Today Only! First Time Patient’s Get Free Massage Therapy 
  • Offer a solution to a problem. If you’re targeting people with sports injuries, your headline should remedy their ongoing pain.
    Example: Do You Have a Hamstring Injury? This Procedure Will Get You Back on Track
  • Personalization. You can add a personal touch to make your recipients feel seen. Use email marketing software to add the names of the people on your mailing list.
    Example: William – We offer personalized treatment plans for sports injuries
  • Use emojis. You can add more emotions to your subject line by adding an emoji that coincides with the message. Example: Run Back to Peak Condition Today
  • Send an invite. You can entice recipients to book an appointment to invite them to learn more about your services. You can even offer a free consultation to drive awareness about your ongoing offerings.
    Example: You’re Invited! 💌 Free Consultation with Anderson Chiropractic

Chiropractors like you should be creative regarding the subject line you use. You can even try puns or something funny when applicable. You shouldn’t be afraid to try something new because you never know the response.

Provide a Newsletter to Patients

Create valuable content for patients with a newsletter. A newsletter is a great opportunity to regularly update your patients on anything and everything related to your practice.

Aside from updates on your latest offerings, you can also send industry news or other topics of interest for your practice to be top of mind to your patients regarding chiropractic care. You can share exciting information about functional medicine, sports injuries, etc.

Your newsletter can drive more traffic to your content if you have an existing blog. More people can read the exciting blog articles you and your team have worked hard on and drive interest in your practice.

In addition, you can use your newsletter to deep dive into each service your practice offers. You can explain the benefits of every treatment to educate potential new patients about the value of investing in your services. While explaining your services, you should also list your other services to increase awareness.

Always Consider Optimizing for Mobile

Nowadays, people read their email messages on various devices. Many people go through their email on their smartphone or tablet. Hence, your email messages should be easy to read on different platforms. Stellar email marketing software can ensure your emails look good on desktop and mobile.

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Segment Your Mailing List

Segment your mailing lists. You shouldn’t send the same email messages to your entire subscriber list. List segmentation is essential for you to reach your target more effectively. Through list segmentation, you can classify current patients from prospective patients. You can also target recent patients or inactive patients.

List segmentation lessens the confusion between messaging. At the same time, it is easy to personalize each message when you know what type of person you’re writing to. Every email has a specific call to action and goal, which should be addressed to the right audience to be effective.

Customize Your Email Campaigns

The key to email marketing is customization. You have plenty of data that you can utilize to personalize every message you send. Simply sending a birthday greeting and an exclusive discount voucher as a gift can leave a lasting impression on clients.

Customization can be a powerful strategy to foster loyalty among your patients. Hence, you should always try to inject a personal touch to your emails.

Spruce Up Your Emails Visually

How do you make your email newsletters more visually appealing? You can use images that coincide with these services to promote specific services. You get to show patients what they can expect by doing so.

Don’t be afraid to mix up your HTML email templates with different styles, pops of color, and other visual imagery. While your messaging’s tone is essential to reaching your goals, you should also be mindful of what your emails look like. You want your chiropractic email marketing campaigns to appear professional. This entails that the copy and the text are clear and error-free. You must double-check each message before sending them out to your subscriber list.

You can also create compelling graphics for patients to understand the science behind your services. For example, spinal graphics can explain their impact on one’s health, and car accident graphics can highlight the neck after whiplash.

You may even incorporate video elements to provide further explanations. Video is a great way to get patients’ attention and improve engagement. 

While experimenting with different visual aids to improve your email, don’t forget to check your email’s overall look. Although you want your email recipients to see what they can expect, you don’t want to bombard them with too much information. 

You don’t want to overwhelm their senses as well. At the same time, the visuals you choose should coincide with the messages you’re trying to convey in the email body. Balance is key.

Set Up Email Flows

Let’s face the facts: Developing unique email messages for every newsletter you send out is challenging. Creating a certain flow for your standard emails can make your life so much easier.

Moreover, you should develop automated emails to respond to your inquiries instantly. An automated email would assure your patients that their email has reached your office and that you’ll get back to them.

Sending Out Lead Magnets

A lead magnet can be excellent for your business as you can laser-focus on your client’s interests. Understanding your patients’ interests based on their downloaded materials lets you craft powerful follow-up materials that will encourage them to visit your clinic.

ChiroMatrix Provides Email Marketing Services and More!

When utilized strategically, your chiropractic email marketing plan can do wonders for your business. From inviting former patients to return to your practice or enticing new ones to discover the benefits of chiropractic care, your email marketing efforts can help you attain your goals and so much more.

With everything you have on your plate, managing your business operations and chiropractic email marketing efforts can be challenging. Thankfully, you don’t have to do everything alone.

ChiroMatrix provides email marketing software to optimize all your email marketing efforts. For more information on our digital marketing packages, call 800.792.8384 or click here.


Do chiropractors need email marketing?

Yes, email marketing can be a stellar tool to strengthen relationships with patients and fortify your lead-generation efforts. When executed correctly, it can significantly elevate your business. The targeted, personalized nature of email allows you to address patients’ specific needs and concerns, enhancing their connection to your practice. Moreover, it provides an ongoing channel for education and updates, fostering trust and long-term loyalty.

Is email marketing still profitable?

Email marketing stands as one of the most cost-effective and profitable channels for businesses. Its affordability allows companies to maximize reach without straining budgets. By targeting specific customer segments, you can deliver personalized content that resonates. As a result, you not only engage existing clients but also drive new leads effectively.

Is it important that Chiropractors email the patients?

Yes, email marketing can keep your chiropractic practice top-of-mind among patients. It serves as an educational platform to highlight the unique benefits of your services. By consistently delivering valuable content, you reinforce your expertise. This not only retains existing patients but also attracts new ones. Additionally, it offers a direct line for special promotions or announcements, further engaging your patient base.

Who is the target audience of chiropractors?

The typical patient seeking chiropractic care falls within the 45 to 65 age range. However, a growing trend shows younger individuals are also recognizing the advantages of these treatments. Whether for pain management or overall wellness, chiropractic care is gaining traction across multiple age groups, expanding its appeal beyond the traditional demographic.

Author: Liliana Cervantes

Liliana Cervantes is iMatrix’s resident content specialist who works on all our online blog resources. She provides the iMatrix website with high-quality content to provide our readers with plenty of information to educate and inspire them with their digital marketing efforts. Liliana writes about tips and trends for readers to try on social media, their website, and their own blog content.

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