SEO For Chiropractors: 14 Strategies You Should Implement

Your digital chiropractic marketing strategy is more influential than ever. Why? How often do you go past the first page when you look for online businesses and services? You can check for yourself, go to Google, and search for “chiropractic care near me” or “chiropractic back pain relief in my city.” If your practice’s website doesn’t appear on the first page of Google’s search results, you’re losing business to other chiropractic practices nearby.

In this blog, you will learn how to develop the right chiropractic SEO strategy to increase your organic search rankings and turn more website visitors into chiropractic appointments.

SEO Marketing for Chiropractors

Five Benefits of Chiropractor SEO

Investing time and effort into search engine optimization or SEO can help your business reap many rewards. Here are some benefits of chiropractic SEO:

1. Increased Online Visibility

When your web pages rank high on search engine results pages, more people will discover your website and learn what your practice has to offer. Moreover, when your business is more visible through search engines, there’s a greater likelihood you will pop up faster in local SEO.

2. More Website Traffic

The first step to building a perfect chiropractic SEO strategy is understanding what it is and why it’s so important. SEO stands for search engine optimization and is a free tool that drives about 53% or more traffic to your chiropractic website. SEO comprises many elements that include keywords, content, meta title, meta description, backlinks, online directories, and more, so it’s essential to create content that boosts your SEO presence.

Woman looking at website traffic analytics data on computer

When you invest in chiropractor SEO, you can organically attract potential clients to your website. These are people who are already interested in your services. When the people who browse through your website are genuinely interested in what your business offers, they’re more likely to be more engaged and spend more time on your website.

3. Enhanced Credibility and Trust

When you have better online visibility because of a stellar SEO strategy, more people are likely to trust your practice. High rankings on search engines imply authority and reliability, which means potential clients are more likely to book an appointment at your clinic or hospital.

4. Cost-Effective Marketing

One of the best things about chiropractic SEO is that it’s free. It’s an organic way to drive people to your website and convert them into clients. Moreover, search engine optimization is a long-term investment, meaning you’ll attract potential clients for an extended period. This is an excellent long-term strategy instead of paid searches, which you can only enjoy during the campaign.

Looking at the bigger picture, there’s a higher return on investment when you invest in chiropractor SEO, which helps you attract organic traffic. While it may take a while to see the results, it will be worth it once more people discover your website.

5. Local Market Domination

When you exert more technical SEO efforts, there’s a bigger chance that you’ll become the go-to chiropractor in your area. This means increased foot traffic and better patient retention. When people trust you, they’ll return and refer your business to others.

chiropractic digital marketing strategy

What does Chiropractor SEO Cover?

What will you work on when you focus on chiropractor SEO services? Here are some of the aspects of SEO for chiropractors you should familiarize yourself with.

Keyword Research

Keyword research allows you to identify the best keywords to target and provides insight into what your target audience is interested in. Fortunately, keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush, and Ahrefs can help you find the best keywords.

Because you’re focusing on chiropractic SEO, it would be ideal to zero in on long-tail keywords specific to chiropractic services. These are particular search terms that your market is looking for online. Moreover, you should take the time to analyze your competitors’ keyword strategies. They would help you differentiate your business and stand out.

On-page SEO for Chiropractors

Search bar

On-page SEO or On-site SEO involves optimizing your web pages and their content for search engines and users. This entails researching relevant keywords to help you rank higher in search results. This also involves creating strategic website content. Your website content should be high-quality, informative, and engaging. Moreover, you should use the right keywords in titles, headings, and throughout the content.

On-page SEO also requires you to write compelling meta descriptions and titles. They would make it easier for people to find your web page. The URL of your web pages should also include the right keywords so search engines can locate them quickly.

When writing content, you should try to link your article to other web pages within your website. However, ensure these links make sense and work well with the article. You should also consider making stellar infographics to make your web pages look more attractive.

Off-Page SEO for Chiropractic Business

SEO for chiropractors doesn’t just mean focusing on your website. Link building can help signal to search engines that your website is trustworthy, and that’s why you should include backlinks when applicable and if they add value to the overall content. You can also try backlink building by leading visitors of other websites to your own. You can do this by trying guest posts and collaborating with different businesses.

Encouraging patient reviews and testimonials is also essential for off-page SEO. This reinforces the quality of your services and can lead more people to your chiropractic website.

You must also claim your business listing on various websites, like Google Business Profile. You can submit complete information to local directories for better proximity. This will make it easier for people within your area or those looking for your services within the area to find you online. When claiming your business listing, you should ensure that your NAP information, address, and phone number are accurate and consistent. You don’t want to mislead people with different information on different platforms.

Technical SEO

A stellar SEO campaign for your chiropractic practice takes more than writing exciting content. You should ensure that your web pages load quickly so people won’t be tempted to leave your website quickly. You can use online tools like Speed Analysis and WebPage Test to optimize your website speed.

If you want more people to visit your chiropractic office through your SEO efforts, you should ensure your website is mobile-friendly. People should have the same experience on their mobile devices as they would while browsing your website on a computer.

Your site structure also plays a vital role in your performance on Google search results. You should design your website so that it’s easy for people to navigate through it and use sitemaps for better indexing. It would be ideal if you implemented SSL certificates to establish your website’s authenticity and authority.

Local SEO for Chiropractor Clinic

Local SEO for Chiropractors

If you want more people in your area to find your chiropractic practice, you should focus on local SEO. One stellar way to attract more people is by claiming your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business). You should set up your Google Business Profile and ensure all information is accurate and updated. You can also encourage people to post reviews on your profile to establish its authenticity.

If you haven’t yet, you should create a chiropractic site for your clinic. The website should include content focusing on local community interests and events to highlight your business’s activity.

When managing local SEO, taking care of your reputation is vital. Reputation management ensures that you care for people’s perceptions of your business. Whether you get good or bad reviews, you should attend to them and make people feel seen and heard.

14 Strategies You Should Implement for Your Chiropractor Practice

Whether working on your digital marketing strategy by yourself or with chiropractor SEO experts, you should implement various techniques to help more people discover your chiropractic website. Here are some strategies you can experiment with.

1. Analyze your Competiton

What are your competitors doing for their chiropractic SEO strategy? You should check out the strategies they’re implementing to get some inspiration. Simultaneously, it would help you develop marketing techniques to stand out.

From the keywords they use to the backlinks they utilize, you should leave no stone unturned to position your website in a unique light. You should also check out their web pages’ speed. Ideally, your pages should load faster than theirs.

2. Use Easy to Rank for Chiropractic Keywords to Attract Patients

chiropractor near me Google search

The first step to using chiropractic keywords is to research and understand what your potential patients are searching for. What are their needs and problems? How can your content help them? To find out, use keyword research tools like Google Keyword PlannerAhrefs, and WordStream. Next, look for keywords with the highest search volume and lowest competition. This will increase your chances of ranking your SEO for chiropractors higher on Google.

Read on: How to Brainstorm Keywords and Improve Your Google Ranking

Chiropractic Keyword Suggestions

Here is a list of keywords that are low in competition and have a high average of monthly searches. Creating content with these keywords can help boost your website’s ranking online:

  • Chiropractor near me
  • Headache chiropractor
  • Herniated disc chiropractic
  • Lower back pain relief
  • Sciatic nerve chiro
  • Back doctor, back pain relief, back spasms, back pain causes
  • Chiropractor alignment, chiropractic treatment: what you should know
  • Arm pain, back pain, neck pain, should pain
  • Best chiropractor near me, family chiropractor, walk-in chiropractor
  • Chiropractor cost, align chiropractic
  • Active, prenatal, baby, pregnancy, sports, a local chiropractor
  • Chiropractor clinic, chiropractic therapy

3. Review Past Content Before Creating New Content

Before you create new content, you should take the time to review your older content. Does the content contain broken links? Is the content still relevant? Sometimes, all you need to do is update the content to remain relevant to your target market. You can do this by adding relevant statistics and the right keywords.

In addition, you should check the speed of your web pages. Does it take long for the page to load? If yes, you should optimize it so website visitors have a better experience.

4. Write Compelling & Educational Chiropractic Content

chiropractic related online content

Now that you have some solid keywords to begin your SEO for the chiropractor journey, you’ll want to add them to your headlines and blogs and sprinkle them throughout your web pages, URLs, services pages, and more. Creating compelling chiropractic content engages your readers and educates them on topics or services they seek. Your target audience is looking for answers to why their back hurts, how they can relieve neck pain, what to do for sports injuries, auto injuries, and more. It can be challenging to come up with ideas to write, so here are some topics to help you get started:

  • What to Expect From Your Chiropractic Adjustment Session
  • Explain to potential clients what they can look forward to when they attend their adjustment session and how to prepare beforehand
  • Lifestyle and Nutritional Advice
  • Provide information on healthy habits and routines your patients can take to complement their chiropractic treatment
  • Stretching and Strengthening Exercises
  • Provide simple tips and at-home exercises for patients to make in between chiropractic appointments
  • Therapies and Techniques
  • Recommend new and trending therapies and introduce patients to new concepts and benefits in terms they can understand

The more informative and inspiring content you produce, the higher your website will rank online Just make sure you are using your chiropractic keywords. You will also increase time on your chiropractic website, and visitors will trust your information and view you as a credible source for chiropractic care.

Learn more: Writing Website Content for Beginners

5. Use Social Media For SEO Success

Use social media platforms

Although social media is not a direct attribute to SEO for chiropractor ranking, it can still help you increase your practice’s search ranking by sharing links across your social media platforms. This will help improve your online presence and organic traffic. Additionally, when your followers share your chiropractic content on Facebook and Instagram, it will indicate that your social posts are educational and engaging enough for your target audience.

To help encourage your followers to share your content, you can say, “If you think this blog was useful, share it with your friends who need chiropractic care,” or “If you or someone you know suffers from back pain, tag them in this post or share it with them.” When your content gets shared, it will signal to Google that your website has value to searchers and will help boost your rankings.

6. Measure Your Chiropractic SEO Performance & Results

Bar Chart showing yearly performance

As you implement these changes to your chiropractic website, measuring the progress and seeing how those changes are performing is essential. Some great tools for monitoring your results are:

Google Analytics: Determine which of your pages are doing well. Are your at-home chiropractic exercise blogs attracting web visitors? Maybe it’s time to write more related chiropractic content. With Google Analytics, you can see your average visit duration, tell if your keywords drive traffic to your website, and learn how well your new chiropractic SEO strategy performs.

Google Search Console: This tool is excellent for evaluating your website’s ranking in search engines. It allows you to see its performance, including the number of clicks, impressions, click-through rates, and average position.

Once you have chosen the keywords you would like to use, add them to your blog posts and your chiro website’s meta keywords section.

7. Eliminate Anything That Slows Your Website Down

Image with rocket taking off from a computer device

Your chiropractic website should load within two seconds. If a website takes over three seconds to load, 53% of users will leave. This means that the loading time of your practice’s website should not exceed three seconds if you want users to stay on your site.

Several factors may be contributing to the slowdown of your chiropractic website. Unoptimized images cause the majority of website slowdowns. Other factors include:

  • Social sharing buttons
  • Analytics tags
  • Excessive usage of ads
  • 404 errors, broken links

Check your practice’s website speed on PageSpeed Insights to see how fast your website loads. Or get a free website audit from us to see how your site performs online and how you compare it to other practices in your area.

  • Is Your Practice Visible Online?

    Let our experts show you why SEO is such a game changer to your online results and performance.
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8. Turn Your Chiropractic Blog Posts Into Quality Videos

Under “Write compelling and educational chiropractic content,” you can use those topics to create engaging videos. For example, the What to Expect From Your Chiropractic Adjustment Session would be a great introduction video for potential patients. They could learn more about chiropractic adjustments and why they should choose your services.

Embedding the video to the blog post will help drive more traffic to your website and increase engagement. With Google’s video carousel, repurposing blog posts into videos can also help you claim multiple search spots.

Read on: Chiropractic Marketing Strategy Content Ideas Your Patients Will Love

9. Link Content to Authoritative Chiropractic Websites

You want your visitors to recognize you as a knowledgeable and credible doctor in your field. So make sure you show that in your content. A website must have trustworthy, credible, and authoritative content to have high-quality, natural links.

A study suggests that including links to high-authority sites can help your chiropractic SEO efforts. Add links to well-established associations like the American Chiropractic Association, the International Chiropractors Association, Chiro Health USA, and the American Institute of Personal Injury Physicians.

10. Delete Any Unnecessary Links

Backlinks boost your site’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO). There are occasions, however, when this doesn’t happen. For example, links from unreliable sources, such as spam comments or untrustworthy sites, can lower your SEO rankings.

Backlinks are links that lead to your website from other websites. Backlinks can drive traffic and improve your SEO. To prevent unwanted links to your site, checking for and removing them regularly is essential. In this way, you can maintain your SEO standings.

Learn More: Modern Chiropractic Marketing VS Traditional Marketing: What’s Best?

11. Add an FAQ Section to Your Website

FAQ pages have the same purpose as SEO: provide the best answers to the questions of your chiropractic patients. Here are some questions you can add to your chiropractic FAQ page:

  1. Are chiropractic consultations free for you? 
  2. What kinds of chiropractic injuries do you usually treat? 
  3. Are you able to perform low back and neck spinal decompression? 
  4. What other chiropractic therapies do you provide? 
  5. Are you able to treat sports injuries? 
  6. What sports nutrition counseling do you offer?
  7. How do you approach sports nutrition? 
  8. During what time is your chiropractic office open? 
  9. Are you able to treat kid injuries?
  10. What are the benefits of chiropractic care?
  11. How often should I come for an adjustment?

Adding keyword-optimized titles and meta descriptions to your FAQ page can increase search engine rankings.

12. Engage Within Your Community

Yes! You might want to start your Chiropractic SEO by sharing content within your local community to engage with potential patients. Engaging can mean commenting on blogs, forums, or other sites related to your field. It can also involve participating in local events and activities or joining online groups related to chiropractic care. Sharing and liking relevant social media posts and resources can go a long way for your Chiropractor’s SEO efforts.

By engaging with your community, you can gain the trust of potential patients, build relationships, and encourage referrals. Plus, it will help increase your online visibility when people search for a chiropractor in the area. Consider what topics your local community may be interested in and develop helpful content.

13. Promote Telehealth Options

Chiropractor SEO services are an excellent outlet for promoting telehealth options and ensuring your practice is one of the first in the search results. In addition, having an informative contact page on your website with information on virtual consultations will help patients find out more about how they can book a virtual appointment.

It’s also helpful to include a dedicated blog post or FAQs on your website that discusses the benefits of telemedicine and how it helps busy people stay connected with their providers without leaving home. Finally, you can use social media platforms to highlight content related to telehealth so that potential patients are aware of the services available from your practice.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that providing digital services to our patients is important. Promoting telehealth options on your website and your chiropractor’s SEO services strategy is a great way to increase visibility and ensure your practice is flexible enough to accommodate virtual or in-person appointments.

14. Use Paid Search Ads

paid search marketing

Paid advertising is an effective way to increase traffic and boost your rankings for specific keyword research. It’s also an easy way to get started with your Chiropractor SEO, as you don’t need to create content or optimize it for search engines.

You can set up a budget for your paid search campaigns and start to target relevant keywords related to your practice and services. This can help you gain visibility from potential patients who may not find you in organic results.

Paid search ads are also customizable so that you can tailor them to the types of services your practice offers or the location of your office. This will help you reach the right people looking for a chiropractor in their area and increase your website traffic. Paid search ads are available on platforms like Google Ads, Yahoo!, and Bing. Even social media ads are known to target your audience further and drive more leads to your practice.

10 Tools to Use for Chiropractor SEO


The tools you use can make or break your SEO efforts. Here are some essential tools that can make your SEO journey easier.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free Google tool that allows you to discover new keywords related to your chiropractic office and see cost estimates for related searches.


Semrush and Ahrefs are paid keyword research tools to help you find the best keywords and analyze your competitor’s performance.

Google Trends

Trends 2024

Google Trends analyzes the popularity of top search engine inquiries across specific regions, time frames, and languages. It is a helpful tool for determining which topics are relevant to your target market.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is an SEO plug-in specifically for WordPress. It helps your website rank higher on search engine results pages.


SurferSEO is a stellar tool for content creation. It helps you research, audit, write, optimize, and generate SEO-optimized articles.


Mozbar is a free, all-in-one SEO toolbar for Google Chrome. It provides instant metrics on any page.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console permits you to monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your website’s presence on Google search results.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights allows you to analyze the website speed of certain websites.

Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile (previously Google My Business) is Google’s online business directory. This all-in-one tool allows you to claim and optimize your listing.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics service permits you to analyze your website’s performance.

Your SEO Takeaways & Additional Learning Resources

Implement these SEO services and steps to start your journey to ranking higher on search results. Next, attract and engage more patients by building content and consistency in your on-page SEO efforts. Remember, it’s not a sprint; it’s a marathon. A perfect SEO strategy for your chiropractic practice takes time. Include specific keywords, optimize your Google My Business, and write educational blogs and chiropractic content about your services. Consistency is the key to increasing your online visibility.

Make a list of topics you want to write about and add a list of long-tail keywords, build pages for each topic, set up a blog, and write one every week. Stay current on SEO news and practices, and lastly, don’t forget to measure your content’s success.

Learn how your practice ranks on Google for terms chiropractic office patients search for, where your business is listed online, and if your information is accurate, see your online ratings and review score, find out how you compare to local chiropractic competitors, and see what you can do now to optimize your GMB. Click here to get your SEO report!

For more information on incorporating SEO services on your chiropractic website, contact us at 888.792.8384 to speak with our chiropractor SEO experts.

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WATCH NOW: Easy Ways to Get to the Top of Google
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