How to Create a Professional Email Address

A professional email address shows current and potential clients that you are part of a legitimate business. In fact, consumers are 9x more likely to trust a business with a professional email address. These email addresses are generally tied to a domain name that reflects the business’s name.

The purpose of a domain on the web is to help internet users find a particular site. So, your domain-based email will help clients, vendors, and other business associates more easily contact your staff members using your relevant domain name.

Want to learn how to create a professional email address for your practice? Follow along with us as we cover the basics and outline how you can create domain-based email addresses for your business.

What is a Domain?

As mentioned above, a web domain serves as a digital address most often attached to a website. However, a domain and a website, while intertwined, are not the same thing. A domain can exist without a website yet attached to it.

We know that sounds a little confusing, but think of a domain like an address and your website like a house. Whether or not there is a house on a parcel of property, it can still have an address. Similarly, a domain can exist with or without a connected website.

This is important because it means that registering a domain doesn’t automatically create a website. Luckily, many website hosts enable you to claim your ideal domain and attach it to your website through an easy process.

Before you can register for a domain, you first need an awesome domain name! This web address should closely match the name of your practice. If you are a veterinary office called Westside Emergency Veterinary Clinic, you may want to search for a domain name like “” or “”. These domain names are great because they are memorable and enable web users to use inference to find your site. Once you’ve thought of your perfect domain, search website hosts to ensure that you can claim that address before someone else does.

When choosing your domain name, consider which is the most appropriate top-level domain for your address. We suggest using a .com address as this will be easily accessible to your audience. Google also often favors a .com address over other options.

After your domain name is secured, you can move on to creating your business email address.

How to Create a Professional Email Address

A business email address will add credibility and professionalism to your online presence. Would you be more apt to trust a contractor with a Yahoo address or an address related to the firm they work for? Most likely, the latter.

This email address is also a part of your practice’s brand. Since your domain name is based on your business name, this creates consistency between your in-person and online brand. The added brand recognition is always a plus as well!

While the exact steps of each hosting site are different, let’s look at a general overview of how to create your domain-based email. First, secure your domain name. To do this, find your perfect hosting site, whether that be a service like GoDaddy or a host with complete marketing services for your business.

When choosing a host, take into account the price of registering and upkeeping your domain. Your domain name isn’t a one time purchase but is normally something you either pay a monthly or yearly fee to maintain. If you stop paying for your domain, you will lose the name.

Also note how many email addresses you will be able to make through that site. Maybe you’re a small business that only wants a general email address for now, but in the future, you’re looking to expand into multiple locations or hire more doctors to work at your practice. Sound like you? Then make sure your host will enable you to create multiple addresses.

Once you have nailed down which service to use, follow the steps indicated by the host to create your professional email addresses.

To recap, the steps are as easy as:

  1. Draft your ideal domain name.
  2. Search to make sure that domain name is available.
  3. Find a host to register your domain with.
  4. Follow the site’s guide to setting up your email.

Tips for Your Professional Email Address

If you are creating more than one email address, follow the same format for each address. For example, if your business email is [email protected], then your office manager’s email might be [email protected].

Not ready to make an email address for each employee? You can also create addresses by department. You may register one for your site, such as [email protected] or [email protected]. Designate yourself or an employee to be responsible for each of these email addresses.

Websites, Email, and More

Whether you’re looking for a professional email address, website host, or digital marketing services, we have solutions that can benefit you. All of our packages begin with a mobile-responsive website complete with domain-based email addresses, industry-specific content, and lead generation tools.

Do you have more questions about the benefits of business email addresses or website hosting? Give us a call.

More resources to help you learn how to reach your business goals

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