Take Control Of Your Online Reviews with Review Management Tools

How you’re perceived online is vital to your success. Positive review ratings increase your visibility to potential clients and let the world know that your practice is top-notch. However, your online presence can sometimes be shadowed by unfavorable reviews that clients leave for you. Whether you’re a small business just starting out or a larger, more established practice with multiple locations, being able to control your online reviews can have a big impact on your practice’s image.
Image: According to Shopify, 63% of customers are likely to complete a sale if a business has online reviews.

Take Control Of Your Online Reviews

Over 80 percent of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. With those percentages, online reviews could start to trump word-of-mouth recommendations. If you aren’t focusing on your online review status, you may be missing out.
Taking control of your online reviews doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By utilizing review management tools and implementing them into your day-to-day office practices, you can streamline the review process.

Review Management Tools

Satisfaction Surveys

In an effort to keep your ear to the ground and stay abreast of any concerning issues your patients or clients may have, get in the practice of sending out satisfaction surveys. When your practice receives the answers, you can use the feedback received as a way to address any concerns or highlight any positives with the staff.
Tips For Successful Satisfaction Surveys

  1. Send the survey while the appointment is fresh on the client’s mind
  2. Consider incentivizing the survey with a fun bonus for those who complete the survey
  3. Respond personally and promptly after receiving strong negative feedback
  4. Thank anyone who offers personal praise
  5. Share the survey results with your staff

While surveys may not help you control all of the negative reviews clients leave, this will help alleviate many of the surprise reviews that show up highlighting a negative experience. It will also help open up the discussion with your staff on the importance of client experience.

Review Management with Intelligent Reviews

Review management can be flexible with the right tools.
With Intelligent Reviews, your practice will have the ability to turn on or off the review sites you want your customer feedback sent to.
Benefits of Intelligent Reviews

  • Have more control.
  • Refine your reputation strategy by allocating what percentage of customer reviews you want sent to each site.
  • Expand your online presence by sending your customer reviews to sites like Yelp, WebMD, Vitals and more.

Automated Review Outreach

If you aren’t currently asking your happy clients to review your business online, you may be missing out on the benefits of your current clients’ satisfaction.

Did you know that simply asking for a review makes one in ten people more inclined to give one?

Utilizing an automated review outreach tool will allow you to automatically ask for a review after each appointment. That means that you can email or text your clients while their visit is still fresh on their minds.
Make sure that when you first connect with your client during their visit that you or your staff jot down their preferred method of contact so they know that communication will be coming via that avenue.

Ready to take control of your reviews?

With our latest solutions, you can now collect and showcase certified patient reviews and utilize the review management tools highlighted above. From Intelligent Reviews to Automated Review Outreach, get more reviews directly on the platforms that matter with automated email and text review requests.
Interested in learning more? Give us a call at 800.807.1885 or click here for more information. 

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