How to Ease Patients’ Nerves at the First Chiropractic Visit

If it’s your patient’s first chiropractic visit, you may sense some unease in the waiting room. While it’s perfectly natural to be a little apprehensive about trying something new, there are steps you can take to make your patient feel prepared and comfortable.

Before the Visit

Firstly, set yourself up for success by maintaining an updated website. Whether your new patient found you through an advertisement or a referral, it’s likely that they will search for your practice online before they decide that you’re the chiropractor for them. Make sure they’re seeing something spectacular!  
On a fundamental level, make sure that your contact information, location, and practice description are accurate. To kick it up a notch, regularly provide educational content on chiropractic care to establish yourself as a credible authority and answer patients’ questions before they even have to ask.

Download Our Free Chiropractic Tip Sheet for Your Patients

When your patient makes their first appointment, either you or your staff member should quickly explain what they can expect from their first chiropractic visit. Better yet, direct them to the content on your website or offer to email them an informative tip sheet, like the one we have available here! You can also print this informational sheet and post it at your practice.

At the Visit

Create a calm and inviting space at your practice. Feature art on the walls, post client testimonials and play relaxing music in the waiting room so that your patients feel more at ease. You may even consider serving infused water in the lobby or waiting area! Offer chiropractic resources that your patient can peruse while you prepare for their first chiropractic visit, like our informational sheet.
How to Ease Patients’ Nerves on the First Chiropractic VisitBefore starting the examination, prompt your patient with questions that will give you a better understanding of their needs. Outline what your new patient can expect from this appointment, from patient history to diagnosis, and encourage them to ask questions at any time during the examination. Your patient will appreciate your transparency and professionalism.
Remember to maintain a dialogue during the exam, both professionally and personally. Get to know your patient and allow them to get to know you! Your patient is more likely to trust your care if they are able to trust you.

Post-Visit Plan

At the end of the examination, give your patients a synopsis of their treatment plan. Create resources ahead of time that you can hand out to patients in relation to their care, such as an infographic on spinal injury or a list of physical therapy exercises they can do at home. This will make your patient feel as though they are receiving proactive and comprehensive care.
The essential elements to ease your patient’s nerves at their first chiropractic visit are preparedness and thoroughness. Gather informational resources and create a standard procedure for new patient introduction. However, don’t forget to personalize the care you provide for each patient.

Everybody is unique!

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