Borrow a Few Tricks from Merchandisers to Boost Frame Sales

Do too many patients leave your office without purchasing frames? No matter how many frames you display, your sales will be disappointing if your selection doesn’t appeal to your patients. These tips will help you increase frame sales and may even improve patient satisfaction.

No matter how many frames you display, your sales will be disappointing if your selection doesn’t appeal to your patients.

Take a Look at Demographics

Have you ever wandered into a clothing store and known immediately that you wouldn’t find anything you liked? The best merchandisers know their target demographic very well and will not stock clothing that their customers won’t buy.
The latest styles may not appeal to your patients if the average age of your patients is 62, but if the majority of your patients are under 30, too many will walk out the door if you don’t keep up with frame trends. Keep in mind that your patients’ tastes will change as they age and adjust your inventory accordingly. Stocking styles that were popular with your patients 10 years ago may result in excess inventory that will never sell.
Before you order new styles, take a look at your patient mix and make frame buying decisions based on the age and gender of the various segments.

Change Your Displays Often

Your patients may not even bother to look at your frame selection if your displays look the same year after year. Even if the selection has changed, they may assume it hasn’t if there are no obvious changes. Rearrange your displays at least every two months. Give your newest frames a place of prominence on your wall and draw attention to them with a few eye-catching signs.
Attract interest with bright colors and themes that change depending on the time of year. Pay attention to seasonal trends too. In the summer, highlight prescription goggles and sunglasses. When back-to-school season arrives, focus on the latest styles for the younger crowd if you see a significant amount of children and teenagers.

Attract interest with bright colors and themes that change depending on the time of year.

Make It Impossible for Your Patients to Ignore Your Frame Selection

Do you keep your frames in a back room in your office? Make it easier for patients to notice your optical department by moving your displays to the front of the office. While patients wait to be seen, they can browse your frame selection. If you have a large front window in your office, set up a small display in front of it to entice passersby to stop in. Keep patients informed about the frames you offer by including information about eyeglass styles and trends on your website and in your email newsletters.

Encourage Spur-of-the-Moment Buying Decisions

Your patients may not absolutely need eyeglass cleaner and cleaning cloths, but they may be unable to resist a display of the products at the front desk. When you apply the same merchandising techniques to other products you offer, you can expect sales of those products to increase too.
Friends and family members who accompany patients can be a source of sales if you highlight products that are appropriate for everyone, such as sunglasses. An attractively lettered sign that notes that both prescription and non-prescription sunglasses are available may turn a waiting relative into a client.

Friends and family members who accompany patients can be a source of sales if you highlight products that are appropriate for everyone, such as sunglasses.

The big box eyewear stores are experts at merchandising, but there’s no reason you can’t increase your sales by using a few of their techniques. When you focus on your patients’ needs and the latest trends, your practice becomes more competitive.

Optometric Management: How to Optimize Your Frame Inventory, 9/1/09
Eyecare Business: Frames at Work: Setting Your Board, 1/1/12
UpRise: The Four Ways Your Optometric Practice Is Being Disrupted by Eyeglass Retailers, 3/29/17
Retail Doc: Visual Merchandising: 10 Insights How to Merchandise Your Store, 9/12/15

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