Why Video Is Important for Your Web Marketing Campaign

We have been crowdsourcing to find common questions clients have about their web marketing campaigns and how to improve them. In this week’s Marketing in the Matrix blog, we will address a question about the importance of video.
Question: I hear a lot of doctors tell me they are camera shy. Is it really necessary for them to have video on their website? Why does it benefit them? And what is the best way to use video for your website to help drive more traffic and business?

3 Reasons Why You Want a Video for Your Website

There are many reasons to have a video for your website, but here we will look into just three.
1.    Videos are easily shareable. You cannot discuss online marketing efforts without also discussing social media and it is easier than ever to share your video with not only your current clients, but potentially hundreds and thousands of people who are in your network. YouTube is still the most popular video site, but applications like Vine for Twitter and Instagram Video have increased in popularity because it allows brands to highlight short videos that quickly demonstrate a how-to, promote a new product, or announce a company event.

2.    Videos make you approachable. People can often get all the relevant information they need from your website, but a video gives that one-on-one approach that makes an effective connection with a potential client or even a current one. A short 90-second video that introduces you and your practice can elevate your business by giving visitors a fresh visual perspective of who you are and what you have to offer.

3.    Videos get searched. A lot. You have heard time and time again that YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine and that is due to the simple fact that people love watching and learning new things from videos. In addition to an introduction video, create a video recording an event your company is hosting, a new person joining your staff or anything else that serves as an interesting and engaging topic for viewers.

It is normal to have some jitters in front of the camera, but keep in mind that people turn to you as an expert in your field. You should feel confident when discussing your business and what it has to offer clients. To drive more traffic, make sure you properly optimize your YouTube channel and any video syndication sites you use. Also, make sure to pursue the power of social media. Share your video on your Facebook, Twitter and Google+ with relevant hashtags so people searching for your video topic have an opportunity to view yours.
Videos are only increasing in popularity and they do not have to be lengthy to be effective. Do not be afraid to show off your skills and services in front of the camera. For more information about our video service, contact us today at 1-800-IMATRIX.

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