Tips to Optimize Videos for Your Veterinary Practice

Once you have created and uploaded a video for your veterinary practice, it is beneficial to optimize the video for search engines. By optimizing your video, you will help to attract viewers, drive visitors to your veterinary website, and increase conversions.

Before shooting your video, check out our blog on video marketing techniques For high-quality veterinary videos. When you are ready to optimize your video, follow these important steps. 

1. Provide a Title and Description Video

Hosting sites, like YouTube, organize videos using Titles, Descriptions, and Tags. Title your video using a proper veterinary keyword or keyword phrase, like veterinary practice. Limit your title to 66 characters as the search engine will only show this many characters anyways. Use the tags and descriptions to give longer bits of information and include secondary keywords, like dog grooming. Include a link to your veterinary practice’s website in the description of the video as this will help drive traffic to your practice’s website. It is helpful to create a landing page on your website that is relevant to the video content to improve conversion rates.youtube_in_google_result.jpg

2. Embeds and Links Improve Optimization

When other web sources embed and link to your veterinary video, they are acting as inbound links. Inbound links improve your video optimization as the search engines deem your video helpful and important to viewers.

3. Get More Views

The popularity of, or a number of views of, a video has a major impact on the rankings for a video in Google and YouTube searches. Every online video will have a counter built in to count how many views the video has received. Encourage views of your video as Google will classify your video as more popular than other similar videos that have less views per day.

4. Encourage Social Commentary

Just like other social networks, YouTube has the ability for viewers to review, comment and like or dislike videos. By encouraging comments and reviews on your veterinary videos, the importance and relevancy of your video is being furthered. Invite comments and reviews and engage viewers in a professional manner in the comments section.

If you would like to have a professional video of your veterinary practice that is optimized for search engines, but are not sure where to start, call VetMatrix. Our VetMatrix Internet Consultants are ready to discuss our Media Service for veterinary practices. Call us at 1-800-IMATRIX. 

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