Month: November 2022

Content Marketing | 30.11.22
How do you share your knowledge in chiropractic care? Through creating great marketing collateral! The collaterals you use help you share content with current and potential patients. Your chiropractic practice's...
Website | 28.11.22
Most website visitors decide within mere seconds whether or not they want to remain on a website or exit it. Make no mistake, first impressions matter - especially online. It...
Patient Retention | 23.11.22
So you’ve found your ideal client and they’ve made their first appointment. How do you ensure that they keep their appointment and keep coming back? When a client gets to...
Marketing | 16.11.22
Are you struggling to get new clients for your veterinary practice? Over time, you may have created a community of loyal veterinary clients. However, you need new pet owners to...
Marketing | 09.11.22
As chiropractors, you want to provide your patients with the best care possible. More clients need to know you in order to give them the best service. That's why chiropractors...
Paid Advertisement | 02.11.22
An Ophthalmology PPC ad is a fast way to land on the coveted first page of search engine results. What is PPC anyways? In simple terms, pay-per-click or PPC refers...