Author: Samantha Heath

Patient Retention | 27.02.19
So, you’ve done it! You have successfully converted an interested click on your website into a new client at your practice. Congratulations! Each new appointment is a win in our...
Social Media | 11.02.19
In 2019, social media serves as a primary source of entertainment, communication, news, and much more for the nearly 2.77 billion users worldwide. We use this platform to keep up...
Online Listings | 04.02.19
When your clients search for your business online, we’re willing to bet that your website isn’t the only result they see. Directory listing sites, like Yelp or Citysearch, often account...
Website | 30.01.19
Let’s face it. It’s 2019. If your business doesn’t have a website, you’re missing out on some serious benefits. Many local businesses rely heavily on word-of-mouth marketing and personal recommendations...
Patient Retention | 24.01.19
Sometimes, digital marketing for your practice can seem like a daunting task. SEO-what? Meta-who? And what’s with all those acronyms? We totally get that some people don’t share our passion...
Email Marketing | 21.01.19
A professional email address shows current and potential clients that you are part of a legitimate business. In fact, consumers are 9x more likely to trust a business with a...
Website | 14.01.19
When is the last time you audited the effectiveness of your practice’s website? If you can’t remember when that was, it may be time to take a look at how...
Content Marketing | 07.01.19
You’re great at your job. Maybe you’re a highly organized office manager, an accomplished doctor, or a proud business owner. But, maybe you dreaded writing essays in grade school or...
SEO | 04.01.19
The battle for a top spot on Google’s search engine results page kind of feels like a game of baseball. Not only do you want to be on the field,...
SEO | 31.12.18
You’ve probably seen the word “organic” plastered across signs at the grocery store and heard it tossed around at hip restaurants, but what about in terms of marketing? Organic search...
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