13 Strategies to Dominate Your Optical Marketing

In such a competitive niche, creating a top-notch optical marketing strategy is an essential element for standing out from other optical shops and acquiring new patients. With occupied schedules, it can be quite a challenge to brainstorm ideas for new optical marketing tactics that will convert online users into new patients. 

Continue reading to learn how to stand out from other optical shops in your local area, attract your higher revenue patients, and increase sales on designer frames, prescription eyeglasses, and more with our optical marketing strategies.

Optical Marketing Strategies

1. Use Consistent, But Subtle Branding 

The best optical marketing strategy begins with staying on top of the mind with patients. Your optical shop needs to expand communication and visibility within your online community. 

Start to develop a consistent but subtle optical brand across all of your marketing channels. This will help eliminate any confusion potential or existing patients might have. You want your patients to be able to distinguish your logos, color schemes, name, and slogan. Your marketing materials, like brochures, business cards, optical newsletters, social media accounts, and more, should all share the same brand messaging. 

Read More: The Importance of Consistent Branding for Your Website

2. Market Your Business on Social Media

Social Media for Optical marketing

Social media marketing is one of the most successful and powerful marketing strategies for many businesses and optical shops. If you haven’t already signed up for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you might be missing out on patients. It’s free to use, and you’ll be able to stay connected, interact with existing patients, and create new relationships. 

Just like your brand, you must also be consistent with your social media channels. Make sure you stay up-to-date and maintain your social media pages. If you want to show off your brand’s personality and promote new eyewear products, then get social! 

Most of your eye care patients are probably already active on social media, so your practice should be too. To help you get started download our free social media kit. You’ll get access to ready-to-post eye care content with seasonal themes, educational, and preventative posts to increase your followers’ engagement.

Pro Tip: Check your Facebook or Instagram accounts to track your engagement patterns when targeting audiences of different ages, areas, and time zones.

3. Sell Your Unique Eyewear Online

Optical eCommerce

Your optical website is a prime location to show off your services like frame replacement, lens tinting, contact lens fittings, repairs, adjustments, and much more. Besides showing off your services, you can also generate interest in your brand and sell your unique eyewear. This makes it easier and more convenient for your patients to make a purchase. It will also help you stand out from your local competition. Be sure to link your online store to your website so it’s easily accessible and users can navigate more quickly to your store.

Try offering discounts on your website and online store. From taking advantage of holiday shopping (get 30% off your next frame, Mother’s Day buy one pair get 50% off the next pair, 25% off for Halloween, 10% off of select items, etc.) By offering exclusive deals and promotions, you will increase your website traffic and convert more leads.

4. Offer Promotions

Try offering discounts on your website and online store. Don’t underestimate the allure of a good sale to your eye care patients. Especially around the holiday seasons.

Here are some examples:

  • Hurry! Take advantage of Our Halloween Sale
  • get 30% off your next frame
  • Mother’s Day buy one pair get 50% off the next pair,
  • FLASH SALE: Buy One, Get One Free
  • 10% off of select items, etc.)

By offering exclusive deals and promotions, you will increase your website traffic and convert more leads. 

Learn More: Top 5 Key Advantages of an Online Store For Your Practice

5. Promote Your Website With Paid Ads

PPC advertisement is an effective and instant method to increase traffic to your site and generate more business for your optical shop. If you want to step up your optical marketing game then try using paid advertising to effectively target your audience.

With PPC advertising your optical shop can appear on search engines like Google, Youtube, and Bing. These advertisements provide online users with product information or services they are looking for in their search query. 

Targeted ads can help you attract your ideal patients as well as rank at the top of Google’s first page for frame replacement, lens tinting, contact lens fittings, repairs, adjustments, designer frames, and other specialty services you offer.

Read More: 7 Optometrist Ads Strategies to Generate More Patients

6. Email Your Optical Patients Regularly

email marketing for eye care providers

Email marketing can create endless opportunities for your optical shop. It can lead to the acquisition of new patients, create loyalty with your existing patients, increase average revenue per patient, and reduce your overall marketing costs.

You want to email your optical patients monthly about newsletters, announcing special offers, updates at your optical shop, new equipment or new staff members, new blog posts, contests, and giveaway announcements. You can send out appointment reminders, thank you, and birthday cards. You can also provide referral bonuses to customers who refer friends and family members.

7. Participate in Eye Observance Days

Promote the significance of vision care by participating in eye health observance days. These observances bring a great opportunity to increase awareness, engage with current and prospective patients, and offer special discounts to generate more revenue. 

Here are a few eye care observances you can participate in: 

  • National Sunglasses Day
  • Save Your Vision Month
  • Women’s Eye Health & Safety Month
  • National Eyewear Day 
  • Fireworks Eye Safety Month
  • World Sight Day 

8. Add Optical Marketing CTAs 

An essential part of your optical website is your calls to action (CTAs). This term might sound scary but you see these CTA’s all the time online. They are the action buttons that appear in all types of email ads or any business website.

Here are some common CTA buttons:

  • GET 50% OFF
  • Get Free

It can also be used for promotions, such as “fill out this form and get 50% your first pair of designer frames.” 

9. Include Engaging Optical Designs

Did you know it only takes 50 milliseconds for a user to determine whether or not they will stay on your optical website or bounce from it? Your website should be designed to showcase your services, specialties, eyewear, team, and office. Whether your patients’ style is more of a modern intellectual, hipster, or vintage, your website should highlight different eyewear styles that align with their wants. You could even implement a virtual try-on tool where patients can use their webcam to try on all their unique eyewear. 

When you have a user-friendly and engaging optical website design it can help you reach your optical marketing goals because it will attract users to stay longer on your website and increase your chances to convert them into patients.

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10. Update Your Business Information

Let patients know you're open for business

If you want to maximize how often your optical patients see your business in local search results, then provide them with updated business information like your physical address, phone number, category, and more. When you enter and update your opening hours, including special hours for holidays and special events, it will let potential patients know more about what you do, where you are, and when they can visit you.

11. Google My Business

Start improving your online listing by first claiming your Google My Business profile. When you enter and update your opening hours, including special hours for holidays and special events, it will let potential patients know more about what you do, where you are, and when they can visit you.

12. Create Educational Content through Blogging

Does your clinic have a blog on its website?  If not, blogs are a great option for engaging with your target audience and bringing more traffic to your website. You can provide valuable information about eye health, vision care, and eyewear trends.

Here are some interesting blog ideas you can explore:

  • How to care for your glasses
  • How to choose the right glasses for your face
  • Eye care myths 
  • How your eyes change as you age 
  • What are the right contact lenses for you?
  • How to protect your eyes from digital strain
  • Tips for parents: Recognizing vision problems in children
  • Latest eyewear trends of 2024
  • A complete guide to cleaning and maintaining your eyewear 
  • Heterochromia Explained by Experts
  • Are rimmed glasses out of style?
  • How much is an eye exam? 

There are plenty of ways to maximize your blog, like creating informative articles, how-to guides, and product reviews to demonstrate your expertise. Since visuals can grab people’s attention, you can include interesting infographics in your articles too.

When writing blog posts, you should always remember to optimize them for SEO purposes. Search engine optimization (SEO) makes your website appear higher on search engine results. The higher your rank, the more likely people will visit your website.

13. Try Video Marketing

While a picture tells a thousand words, you should also invest in making stellar videos for marketing purposes. You can make interesting videos about your practice, staff, and services. You can also share educational videos on topics like choosing the right frames or proper contact lens care.

When it comes to video marketing, you should always optimize videos for search by using the right keywords and descriptive titles. Moreover, you should post them on platforms like TikTok and YouTube or embed them on your website.

Dominate Your Optical Marketing Strategy With Help From Us!

Handling the digital marketing side of your optical shop is what iMatrix does best. Let us make it easier for you by taking care of all your optical marketing needs, so you can get ahead and attract more patients and increase sales on designer frames, prescription eyeglasses, and more. 

Are you ready to dominate your industry? Focus on what’s important to you and let our optical marketing experts do all the work. Call us at 800.792.8384 or click here to discover our eye care digital marketing solutions.

Let Us Help You Gain And Retain More Ideal Patients

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