Is a YouTube Commercial Right for your Eye Care Business?

Everyone knows that the largest search engine is Google, but do you know what the second largest search engine is? (Hint: it is also owned by Google.) That’s right! The second-largest search engine next to Google is YouTube.
YouTube is the third most used overall website as well, behind Facebook and Google itself. With this being the case, how effective do you think YouTube video advertising is? We’ll let you in on a little secret: It’s very effective.

People can spend hours whiling away their time on YouTube, watching funny cat videos or cooking tutorials and everything in between. These people spending their free time on YouTube are your potential eye care customers.  And the best way to reach them can be using YouTube video advertising.

Effective Advertising

Video advertising is actually one of the highest converting forms of online advertising — that is to say that people who view your YouTube Video Advertising are likely to convert from prospects to actual customers, with estimates of as much as a 71% conversion rate. This is part of why running a TV commercial can be so expensive and why commercials slots (which cost as much as $5 million dollars for a 30-second commercial) during the Superbowl are only ever bought by wealthy companies.

But you’re an eye doctor, not a soda or car company, so you likely don’t have the budget to spend so much money on one TV commercial. And running a super-bowl commercial would be next to useless for you anyway because only people who live near your physical locations will ever become paying customers; you don’t need to pay millions of dollars to have the whole country see what your practice is all about, you only need to reach people in your area.

Here’s where YouTube Video Advertising comes in and is actually better for your business than a super bowl commercial. YouTube Video Advertising can (and should) be geo-targeted to the area around your practice. This means that you will only pay for your potential customers to see your YouTube Ad, giving you the greatest return on your investment.

YouTube Advertising Rates

It still sounds pretty expensive though, doesn’t it? But the reality is that not only compared to TV commercials but compared to most forms of advertising in general, YouTube videos provide a lot of bang for your buck. The extremely effective and YouTube advertising rates make these commercials extremely budget-friendly.

On average, you will pay only a few cents per view; and a high-quality, properly targeted commercial will cost even less per view. YouTube will assign your video a quality score, and a higher-quality video costs less to run. Likewise, a targeted video is most cost-effective because it will be shown to people who recently searched for something related to your business on Google or YouTube.

YouTube Video Advertising is for Everyone

Many business owners are reluctant to give YouTube commercials a try because they are camera-shy. It is important to recognize that this is not actually a barrier to doing a YouTube commercial, as you don’t have to be featured in the video if you don’t want to. Instead, your commercial can be a video of your practice with a voice-over.

If you are looking to get your name out there and grow your business, YouTube Video Advertising is right for your practice. But how can a practice utilize it fully?

You don’t have to figure that out on your own. With our services, iMatrix will send a professional camera crew to your practice, record an office video, edit it, and run it for you. All you have to do is show up, looking your best.

For complimentary digital marketing consultation call 800.943.6423.

Learn more about best eyecare marketing practices:

The Importance of Branding Your Eyecare Practice Website
How to Help Your Patients Choose the Best Glasses for Their Face Shape

Let Us Help You Gain And Retain More Ideal Patients

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