Author: Gabrielle Knock

Website | 21.11.18
Standing out in a competitive market is difficult, but without memorable branding to set you apart from other eye care practices in your local market, it can be next to...
Marketing | 05.09.18
Website analytics. Every good website has them, whether they are through your website provider itself (as iMatrix offers) or through Google analytics. But what do they mean, and what do...
SEO | 22.08.18
Achieving a solid foundational understanding of internet marketing is not easy. What makes it even more difficult is that the internet marketing landscape is changing all the time--literally every day...
SEO | 10.08.18
Whether you have been researching Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for a while or are just starting your journey, you have probably seen the term “keyword” thrown around as being important...
SEO | 03.08.18
Doing your own search engine optimization (SEO) can be a bit of an overwhelming experience. Google keeps much of its algorithms a secret, so the lists of what can make...
Video Marketing | 27.07.18
Everyone knows that the largest search engine is Google, but do you know what the second largest search engine is? (Hint: it is also owned by Google.) That’s right! The...
Vet Website
Website | 18.07.18
What are some tasks your staff has to spend a lot of time on? Tasks that don’t involve actually helping you with your pet patients? The answer is probably a...
Social Media | 16.07.18
Social media is often seen as more for social use between friends than for use by small businesses. However, that cannot be further from the truth. Social media is one...
SEO | 25.06.18
Are you listed correctly on Google? Being inaccurately listed on Google can be a real headache, as it can a. cause your potential clients to get lost on the way...
Online Advertising | 30.05.18
Setting up your first Google AdWords account can be a confusing process. And once your AdWords account is set up, it can be difficult to figure out where to start....
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