13 Proven Marketing Strategies to Attract New Chiropractic Patients

Ready for a fresh approach to attract new chiropractic patients? In an ever-evolving business landscape, your current marketing strategies may require innovative solutions to help make your practice stand out.

Every chiropractor aspires to widen their patient base and increase local visibility. After all, a thriving practice successfully extends its reach to potential patients within its community.

So, there’s no time for complacency; we’ve got your back with pioneering chiropractic marketing strategies that could redefine your road to success. Join us as we delve into an array of both essential and trend-setting ideas that you can seamlessly incorporate into your practice. These methods could be the catalysts for propelling your business to new heights.

Doctor holding a prop spine

1. Start a YouTube Channel for your Practice

The digital landscape is predicted to shift tremendously, with online videos spearheading this transformation. They are poised to constitute an astounding 82.5% of all internet traffic, making them the reigning champions of web content. Complementing this trend, a remarkable 86% of marketers are harnessing the power of video in their content marketing strategies.

One of the best platforms for video marketing is YouTube. It can convert prospective patients into new ones. Here’s an example by Dr. Beau Hightower on how you can effortlessly market your practice through YouTube shorts.

The most successful chiropractic marketing YouTube channels today are primarily educational. However, your content can also be promotional or entertaining. It would help if you capitalize on what your chiropractic practice does best, so your videos will seem natural. Your social media and chiropractic website will give you a good idea of where you can start.

You can feature patient reviews or give a tour of your chiropractic offices. You can also create content about free consultations to grow your practice. If you want to see how it’s done correctly, you can check out leading chiropractic YouTube channels to find some successful chiropractic marketing strategies.

Chiropractic YouTube Channels

Chiropractor website and YouTube channel

Dr. Beau Hightower

A great example is Dr. Beau Hightower. As of the first half of 2023, he had gained 1.6 million subscribers. This YouTube channel is unlike your usual chiropractor.

He uses quirky tools such as an oversized hammer and nail when addressing the patients’ pain points. He also features many celebrities and influencers with health issues. This channel is a prime example of using entertainment to get more leads and successfully deploying chiropractic marketing.

Mondragon Chiropractic

Another popular chiropractic YouTube channel you can draw inspiration from is Mondragon Chiropractic. With over 1.81 million subscribers during the first half of 2023, the official YouTube page of Dr. Brenda Mondragon is among the most popular chiropractic channels on the internet.

She usually posts her patients’ experiences and testimonial videos. This channel focuses on what services most potential patients would find interesting. It also goes into the pain points of current patients who frequent her practice. Moreover, she shares her everyday routines to add a personal touch to her channel.

Dr. Rahim Gonstead

If you’re interested in pursuing a more educational path, you should check out Dr. Rahim Gonstead’s YouTube channel. This channel, which has more than 1.43 million subscribers, is the official YouTube account of the chiropractor.

Dr. Rahim gives his target audience insight into the impact of professional chiropractic services on people’s pain relief journeys. If you want chiropractic marketing ideas to promote your chiropractic services, this channel is a great resource to learn from. You can even show off your chiropractic office as he does.

2. Create Stellar Email Campaigns for Chiropractic Care

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If you have been wondering how to get new chiropractic patients, you should invest in a good email campaign to elevate your business and strengthen relationships with your current list. Email marketing effectively drives traffic to your chiropractic website’s landing pages.

More traffic to your chiropractic website translates to more conversion opportunities. Email marketing can be optimal in driving current and potential patients to book an appointment with you online.

Your email campaign should have a compelling subject line to grab people’s attention. The visuals you choose in the email are also vital in keeping people interested in your message. The graphics and videos should be compatible with mobile devices since most people check their emails through their phones nowadays.

A few different email types of emails:

  1. A welcome email is optimal for communicating with new patients. On the other hand, standard types of emails allow you to follow up and send reminder notifications and updates on your practice. Being proactive with current patients can help drive more foot traffic to your office.
  2. Promo emails are great for increasing awareness of ongoing special offerings. If you have a new promo or service, you should let people know through email. While you can post these updates on social media, sending an email can create more awareness of your offerings.
  3. Seasonal campaigns are optimal to capitalize on the holidays, while requests for reviews encourage current patients to share thoughts you can utilize on your website, social media, and other channels. Reviews are powerful in pushing people to try your services, so you should encourage your happy patients to share their experiences with your practice.
  4. Moreover, you can share your knowledge through educational emails. Doing so positions your chiropractic practice as a leader in chiropractic care.

Finally, your email campaign is also a fantastic opportunity to promote your social media pages so that you can grow your practice.

3. Refresh Your Website with a Trendy Design

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Is your chiropractic website updated? Your website is one of the most crucial factors in your chiropractic marketing efforts. Ensuring you have a high-performing chiropractic website with good search engine optimization can be a game-changer for your business.

Many chiropractors have websites, but not all focus on attracting more patients. So, you may be wondering: what factors should you consider for your website design?

Your color scheme is key to your chiropractic marketing plan. Colors play an exceptionally vital role in our lives and have the power to influence our perspectives. The colors you choose for your website are essential in your overall branding and chiropractic marketing efforts.

For example, green represents growth, nature, harmony, and stability, while blue signifies trust, calm, and intelligence. Black conveys power, elegance, and sophistication, and white shows simplicity and minimalism. Gray exudes professionalism, formality, and conventionality, while yellow means hope, happiness, and spontaneity.

Your vivid theme is equally as important to your overall website design. If your focus is chiropractic care for sports-related services, your website should have a fitness-oriented aesthetic. An adventurous website can inspire new patients to try something bold, while a detailed three-dimensional video can elevate your scientific expertise in chiropractic care.

Ensuring your website has quality features is vital to attracting new patients. Your website should entice clients to book appointments with your practice. More importantly, you must make it easy for them to book a schedule.

Moreover, having a chatbot is optimal for guiding potential customers through your websites. This advanced feature allows them to easily access business information or details on your services. You should also take this opportunity to invite people to join your newsletter. You can build a solid community if your website is aligned with your business goals.

4. Post Regularly With a Social Media Calendar

person looking at an online calendar

By now, your chiropractic business probably has a presence on a social media platform or two. You probably even create Facebook ads to drive more leads to your practice. Another great way to get chiropractic marketing ideas is by capitalizing on special holidays.

Special occasions are an excellent opportunity to create compelling content such as images, infographics, blog posts, and other types of content. You can even post company milestones, such as your practice’s anniversary or your doctors’ birthdays. Your new patients and the local community will appreciate these types of content.

Before posting testimonial videos or other content featuring your current patients, you must secure their approval. If they are featured, they might even share your posts on their personal social media pages. Hence, you can get the best value out of your Instagram or Facebook ads.

You can also build strong ties with your community by posting content focused on local events. If it’s your town’s founding anniversary, you should have a post commemorating it. If college kids are back from the holidays, you can create posts highlighting chiropractic care’s significance for students. Your local community is where most of your new patients will come from, so you should create specific content that caters to them.

These types of relevant social media content can attract new patients organically. However, consider using different chiropractic marketing tools to further boost your social media marketing at a low cost. For example, Facebook ads can help you find new leads. You can set a certain budget and the demographic you want to reach with just a click. You should take advantage of these tools to get ahead of other chiropractors.

Having a social media calendar is a great way to organize these efforts. You can plan social media posts to save time and money. Fortunately, all the relevant holidays for chiropractic marketing can be found online. While you should be ready to create posts for current events, having a planned calendar helps create an organized social media presence.

Embracing modern platforms such as TikTok and Instagram can also amplify your chiropractic marketing reach significantly. Leveraging these reel or short-form video platforms not only aligns you with current digital trends but also offers a dynamic way to showcase your skills, share patient success stories, and humanize your brand. Staying on top of these trends is crucial, as it fosters a stronger connection with the audience. It ultimately enhances your brand visibility and credibility in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

5. Attend Networking Events and More

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Networking events are an excellent opportunity to build strong ties in the industry and the local community. If you’re the newest chiropractor in town, you can connect with other health professionals through dinner talks and other events. You can even partner with other local businesses to share your patient base or use it as a chiropractic marketing opportunity.

On the local front, you should consider sponsoring local events. This is one of the great ways to attract new patients within your vicinity. Joining a business group can also do wonders for your practice. Connecting with other businesses in the area gives you a perspective on the local community. You might even meet new suppliers and find new patrons to visit your clinic.

Engaging your community is vital in getting more patients. Even if the event is irrelevant to your business, your presence at that gathering can invite more people to visit your office. You may even post about your company at an event, so people in the area know you’ll be at that gathering.

Besides networking events, attending conferences on chiropractic care is also a great idea. Doing so can keep you updated on the latest innovations in the industry. You can also learn the best practices of other chiropractors to attract chiropractic patients. You might even get some referrals if you meet the right people.

The Chiropractic Association of your state is an excellent place to start. You should also look for national conferences relevant to your business. Attending these events may cost time and money, but this chiropractic marketing investment will be worth it in the long run.

6. Write a Downloadable eBook

Writing an eBook is a great way to position yourself as a leader in chiropractic care. Think about the common questions you receive from chiropractic patients. You must also identify the relevant content your patients appreciate and use it as valuable resource material for your eBook.

Why write an eBook and not print a conventional book? eBooks are much shorter than traditional ones and are usually easy to read. Moreover, they can be accessed by anyone so that you can get readers’ attention worldwide.

If you have articles written on your blog, you can expound on the topics further to educate more people about important health issues. Like blog articles, writing an eBook helps establish your authority in the industry and can potentially encourage new patients to visit your practice.

Any type of content is suitable for your chiropractic marketing efforts. If you don’t have a blog page on your website yet, your eBook can be an excellent entryway for people to read more of your work.

7. Start a Referral Program

Another effective way to get new patients is by building a referral network. You can provide incentives for existing patients to encourage their friends and family to visit your clinic.

For example, you can offer a 20% discount for every referral. At the end of the day, your business makes more profit because not only do you have a new patient, but you also encourage a current one to return to your clinic.

When you create a patient referral program, make the process as easy as possible. You can try developing unique referral codes for your existing patients, which they can share with their network.

8. Optimize Your Business Listings Online

One of the easiest ways to get the word out about your chiropractic practice is by optimizing your business listings. You should ensure all information about your clinic is updated and accurate. This makes it easier for people to find your website and learn more about your practice.

Be sure to help patients find your clinic easily. You can upload new photos inside and outside your practice. This helps interested clients locate your business faster.

9. Focus on Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Pay-per-click is an Internet advertising strategy that drives more traffic to your website. PPC ads aim to convert these website visitors into customers.

What’s great about PPC or Google ads is that you only pay every time a person clicks on your ad. It’s a great strategy to generate more leads through search engine results. Moreover, it can complement your SEO strategy to lead more patients to your website.

10. Strengthen Your Local SEO Efforts

Local SEO is key to enticing new chiropractic patients to your clinic. When executed well, local SEO can increase awareness of your brand to people who are located near you.

Keyword search is incredibly important in boosting your local SEO efforts. By including relevant keywords in your website and social media platforms, you can attract more people in your area. Moreover, you get to reach these people organically.

When it comes to local SEO, you should be aware of what your local competitors are doing. This allows you to identify which keywords other practices in your area are using. The keywords they’re using can be relevant to your business too.

  • Is Your Practice at the Top of Google in Your Local Area?

    See how your practice stacks up in Google Search when patients look for the services you provide with a free SEO report.
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11. Try Guest Blogging on Other Websites

By now, you’re probably aware that creating a blog page can effectively lead more people to visit your website. You should take this a step further by trying guest blogging. Guest blogging is a link-building strategy wherein you write content for another website. This content includes your by-line and highlights where you’re from.

What’s great about guest blogging on other websites is that it increases awareness of your clinic in your local area. You get exposure to their readers, who may or may not be aware of your business. Guest blogging also helps establish your credibility as a healthcare practitioner. Thus, more people will view you as a trustworthy healthcare provider.

12. Distribute Print Ads

While digital marketing can help you attract new chiropractic patients, you should still invest in traditional advertising. Distributing print ads is a great way to spread the word about your practice in your local area. It is also helpful in reaching out to people who are not very internet-savvy.

You shouldn’t limit distributing print ads in front of your practice. You can give them away at events, at a nearby commercial center, or to current patients.

13. Offer Additional Services

If you want to increase your client base, you should consider expanding your services. What are the most in-demand chiropractic services in the market today? What services does your target market need? Your business should be able to address your patients’ pain points.

You should also think about which services would best complement the ones you already offer. Your goal should be to add more value to every patient visit. While this particular tactic may involve additional training for your staff, you can attract new chiropractic patients in the long run.

Getting Ahead of the Chiropractic Marketing Game

Following these chiropractic marketing tips can grow your practice and help you reach your business goals faster. If you need expert help in chiropractic marketing or finding out how to get new chiropractic patients, you should look no further than iMatrix.

We’d be happy to equip you with the latest tools to take your business to greater heights. For more information on digital marketing packages, including content creation, call 800.792.8384 or click here.


Who is the target audience for chiropractors?

The target audience for chiropractors typically comprises individuals suffering from musculoskeletal issues, including back pain, neck pain, or headaches. They also cater to athletes seeking performance enhancement or injury prevention, people with postural problems, and those pursuing overall wellness. This audience spans various age groups, from children with posture issues to elderly individuals dealing with chronic pain.

What is the patient retention strategy for chiropractors?

Chiropractors retain patients through personalized treatment plans, regular follow-ups, and patient education about the benefits and necessity of ongoing care. Building a relationship based on trust and empathy, delivering excellent patient experiences, and demonstrating visible health improvements are vital. Furthermore, loyalty programs, discounts on long-term plans, and engaging patients via newsletters or health workshops can effectively encourage retention.

How much should a chiropractor spend on marketing?

A chiropractor’s marketing budget can vary based on various factors. These include the size and location of the practice and the specific goals of the marketing strategy. Generally, a good rule of thumb for small to medium-sized businesses is to allocate around 7-8% of their revenues to marketing. However, newer practices aiming for rapid growth may invest up to 10-12% of their projected revenue.

Where do chiropractors make the most money?

Chiropractors often earn the most in areas with a high demand for their services and where their practice is less saturated. Typically, these are urban regions or affluent communities where residents prioritize health and wellness. Additionally, chiropractors in multidisciplinary settings, such as sports medicine or integrated healthcare clinics, can potentially earn more due to a diverse patient base and complementary service offerings.

What is the lifetime value of a chiropractor customer?

The lifetime value of a chiropractic patient can be substantial, depending on the duration and frequency of their treatment plan. For a patient undergoing long-term, regular treatment, the lifetime value could range from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. This figure underscores the importance of patient retention strategies and quality care, as maintaining a loyal patient over the years can significantly contribute to a practice’s overall revenue.

Author: Liliana Cervantes

Liliana Cervantes is iMatrix’s resident content specialist who works on all our online blog resources. She provides the iMatrix website with high-quality content to provide our readers with plenty of information to educate and inspire them with their digital marketing efforts. Liliana writes about tips and trends for readers to try on social media, their website, and their own blog content.

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