20 Eye Care Facebook Post Ideas For Your Practice

Did you know that 2.06 billion people log on to Facebook every day? It’s a must for any business to have a social media presence to support its online presence. Among the various social media platforms available, Facebook remains a strong option for any business to be active on.

A social media presence can help your eye care business reap many rewards, including increasing its credibility online, forming robust relationships with clients, and increasing its market reach. Social media platforms like Facebook also make it easier for customers to book appointments with eye care practices.

What Makes A Great Facebook Post?

Social media provides businesses with the opportunity for storytelling. Like any compelling story, your storytelling on social media should be cohesive. From great images to the use of video and catchy captions, all the elements should come together.

When used correctly, social media marketing can be a great strategy to expand your reach. If you’re in need of some creative social media ideas, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled a variety of eye care-related Facebook posts you and your team can explore.

Educational Posts

Eye care related social media posts.

1. Explaining common eye conditions Facebook can be a stellar platform to display your expertise and experience in eye care. Sharing your knowledge can position your practice as an expert in eye care. Some of the eye care marketing topics you can explore include:

  • Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Hyperopia (farsightedness)
  • Astigmatism

2. Tips for maintaining good eye health How can more people take better care of themselves? You should share eye care posts with helpful tips to educate people on best practices for eye health care. Some topics you can try include:

  • Importance of regular eye exams
  • Proper use of digital devices
  • UV protection for eyes

3. Infographics If you’ve got exciting statistics or information to share, creating compelling infographics can help you educate more patients easily. Infographics are a stellar opportunity to present information in a manner that more people can understand. You can create infographics on general health and wellness for eye care. 

4. Interesting/valuable research What is the latest innovation in eye care services or a recent study? You can share this information with your network through eye care social media platforms.

5. Resharing from authority pages You shouldn’t limit your eye care posts to original content created by your team. You can share relevant posts from other credible optometry pages like newsletters to educate your audience.

Video Posts

video icon on computer screens.

Videos are more visually appealing than text or photos. That’s why you should consider making videos for Eye Care Facebook posts.

6. Office tours Create a video wherein you walk viewers through your office. This would help potential patients familiarize themselves with the layout of your practice and where everything is. 

7. Staff introductions Running an eye care business takes teamwork, and you should allow your audience to get to know the people you work with. Your staff would appreciate the exposure, too.

8. Behind-the-scenes Another way to showcase what your practice offers is to take videos of the equipment and technology you use for eye care services.

Promotional Posts

Do you have seasonal sales coming up? You should share these promotions with your Facebook network. Here are some ideas to inspire your posts:

  • Special discounts on eye exams
  • Promotions on eyewear products
  • Package deals for contact lenses
  • Free check-up for a minimum purchase amount

9. Special limited-time offers You can also try to promote flash sales, which are quick limited-time-only deals that can be offered for only a day or two. Your caption can read something like “Spring Flash Sale: Today Only 25% Of Eye Exam For New Patients.”

10. Contests Do you have any contest ideas to entice people to interact with your FB page? To successfully make a contest post make sure all the information regarding the contest prizes are provided with a disclaimer. As well as instructions for how contestants can enter.

  • Free Glasses Giveaway! *Disclaimer: Selected brands only, one pair per winner. To adjust your glasses to your eye prescription please make an appointment.*
    • To enter please give this post a like
    • Comment your name and tag a friend (4 tag entries total)
    • Like and follow our page
    • 3 Winners will be announced xx/xx @12:00 noon! Look out for our announcement post as you will need to message us directly through Facebook to claim the prize.

Testimonials and Success Stories

customer success story from business website

Does your eye care practice have patient success stories? You can share these stories on your Facebook page.

11. Sharing positive experiences from satisfied customers If your patients leave kind words about your practice, you shouldn’t hesitate to showcase their testimonials to your audience. Their testimonial establishes your credibility as an eye care expert.

12. Before-and-after stories With your patient’s permission, you should share the success stories of people whose vision you’ve helped improve.

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Patient Care Posts

13. Patient reminders. Show how much you care for your patients by sharing reminders to patients to take care of themselves and prioritize their eye health. For example, you can post something like, “Don’t forget to remove your contact lenses before going to bed.”

Seasonal Posts

Holiday posts for Facebook platform.

14. Holiday-themed posts Is there a major holiday coming up? Holiday posts are always a great idea because they should be fun and timely, as they only come around once a year. Also, these are great for having fun with lots of emojis and slogans!

15. Summer Eye Care It would help if you shared helpful tips to empower people to take better care of their eyes during the summer, like UV protection and staying hydrated.

16. Winter Eye Care Taking care of one’s eyes should have a different approach during the winter. You should post tips like dry eye prevention and protecting eyes from cold winds.

Fun Facts & Trivia

17. Share fun eye care-related facts Patients can find your Facebook page more interesting if you share cool facts. Here are some content eye care social media ideas you can explore:

  • Eye-related trivia questions for engagement
  • Interactive content, such as polls or quizzes
  • Statistics that your patients would find amusing

Once you determine which facts you’d like to share, the next step is to brainstorm witty or funny captions. Here are some examples for your consideration:

  • Did you know that…?
  • Fun fact: insert fact here

When writing captions, you shouldn’t post the first one you think of. Permit yourself to write different drafts until you find the best fit for your optometrist captions.

Q&A Session Posts

Q&A session with clock.

18. Answering common questions about eye care Encourage your audience to send questions about eye care through engaging eye care posts.

19. Community engagement Ask your followers to share their eye care routines through your optometry social media captions. You can also host virtual events or webinars on eye health or partner with local businesses for joint promotions.

20. Call-to-action Encourage your followers to perform a specific action. Some eye care social media captions you can try include:

  • Encouraging followers to schedule an eye exam: “Let’s look at the bright side together. Schedule an appointment with our clinic today.”
  • Promoting participation in giveaways or contests: “Don’t forget to submit your submission on Friday! We’re excited to see your posts.”
  • Providing contact information for inquiries: “Do you have any questions? Call us today to learn more!”

Consider your practice’s story and develop ideas that your target audience would find interesting or entertaining. For example, if your eye care practice is in a historical building, you could talk about that unique history. Similarly, if your clinic is turning ten years old soon, you could talk about your humble beginnings.

BONUS TIP: Follow Other Great Content Creators

You can get inspiration for eye care marketing ideas from other content creators on Facebook and other platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, downloadable podcasts, and X (formerly Twitter).

In sum, creating quality content on social media platforms is just as important as creating content for your website and other platforms. The ideas listed can also work towards producing effective Facebook ads as well. 

Creating Content on Facebook and Beyond

There is no foolproof formula for creating excellent optometry social media content. It takes time to find your rhythm and determine what your audience relates with the most. Remember to tailor the content to your specific eye care business and audience. Adjust the tone and style to match your brand personality and maintain consistency across posts.

To see how you can get started with a professional content marketing plan, call 800.792.8384 or click here.

Author: Liliana Cervantes

Liliana Cervantes is iMatrix’s resident content specialist who works on all our online blog resources. She provides the iMatrix website with high-quality content to provide our readers with plenty of information to educate and inspire them with their digital marketing efforts. Liliana writes about tips and trends for readers to try on social media, their website, and their own blog content.

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