How to Attract More Chiropractic Patients Using 9 Marketing Tools

Can patients find your chiropractic practice online? Whether you have been a practicing chiropractor for several years or you have just opened your practice doors for the very first time, it’s important to learn how to market your chiropractic practice online and showcase your specialties to potential patients searching for the services you provide.

To increase your visibility online and highlight your top specialties on Google’s first page, you’ll need to be familiar with chiropractic marketing tools and learn how to operate them successfully. If you’re a beginner, this post will show you the top nine must-have chiropractic marketing tools that will help you attract more online visitors and convert them into appointments.

Chiropractic Marketing Tools to attract patients

Tool #1: Google Business Profile

The first step is to create a Google Business Profile, formerly known as Google My Business. Creating an account helps ensure that potential chiropractic patients can find your practice quickly. It will also help patients see your practice information accurately on Google Search and Google Maps. Your listing will show a link to your chiropractic website, your physical location, hours of operation, and much more.

You can also use this tool to engage with your patients by responding to reviews, answering questions, enabling direct messaging, and publishing posts to your business profile

Read More: How to Optimize Your Google My Business Listing

Congrats! You’re on your way to reach more chiropractic patients and establish your credibility online. 

Tool #2: Search Engine Optimization 

Now that patients can find your practice on Google Search and Google Maps, let’s work on increasing your presence organically on search engines. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a great way to increase your Google ranking so you can be found by more chiropractic patients actively searching online for services like auto injury, personal injury, spinal adjustment, sports injury, back pain, and other services you offer.

SEO tools for Chiropractors

The first step to implementing an effective chiropractic SEO strategy is understanding who your targeted audience is. What kind of patients are you trying to attract? For example, if you’re a personal injury chiropractor, then you’ll want to attract auto injury patients, workplace injury patients, etc. If you’re a functional medicine chiropractor, then your targeted audience may be people looking for nutritional advice, coaching, lifestyle changes, and more. 

Once you’ve narrowed down your audience, you’ll want to research keywords that are easy to rank for and have a high search volume. Here are some free keyword research tools to help you get started: Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and WordStream

The next step is to measure your results! But not so fast, with SEO it takes 6-12 months to see results, so don’t worry if you’re not generating any results your first month. 

When it’s time to evaluate your results use these free SEO tools: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Moz. If you want to check the speed and usability of your chiropractic website on multiple devices use Google PageSpeed Insights.

Learn More: Why Your Chiropractic Website Needs SEO

Tool #3: Google Ads

If you’re looking for speedy results, then Google Ads, Google’s pay-per-click (PPC) advertising service, could get you there. You’ll want to create ads that target specific keywords associated with your chiropractic services. Unlike organic search, you’ll be able to quickly get in front of potential chiropractic patients who are searching for the services you provide in your area. 

You simply pay if users click on your ad. That means you can take control of your ad budget and control how much you want to spend. By trying out different keyword variations using PPC you’ll be ready to determine which keyword will generate more traffic to your chiropractic website. 

Learn More: 7 Google Marketing Tools to Grow Your Practice

Tool #4: Social Media

Attract new chiropractic patients with Social Media

Social media is more relevant than ever, and for businesses looking to promote their brand, it’s no different. Social media helps increase brand awareness, engage with your followers, attract new chiropractic patients, and build stronger relationships online. Without the correct social media tools, your social media marketing strategy may flop before given the chance. If your practice doesn’t already have a social media presence, get to it! 

Not sure where to begin? Here are some social media tools to help you get started. Try using Headline Analyzer and Social Media Message Optimizer to help you write engaging captions. The great thing about social media is that you can listen, learn, and gather feedback from your followers. You’ll get a better understanding of which captions work and which ones aren’t as engaging. 

To give you a head start, we have created a social media kit with ready-to-use posts you can publish on your social media channels. The kit includes a variety of educational and seasonal chiropractic posts you can use to interact with your social media followers. 

While creating content for chiropractic marketing strategies is vital, you should also consider getting your clients involved. You should post user-generated content (UGC) on your social media platforms with your client’s permission. This type of content showcases the kind of chiropractic treatment potential patients can expect from your chiropractic clinic.

Moreover, your existing patients will appreciate it if you share their content on your official social media pages. Not only will you get access to more content to make your digital marketing efforts easier, but you’ll also strengthen relationships with existing patients.

Tool #5: Video

Video marketing for Chiropractors

Did you know videos dominate social media, email newsletters, blogs, and supplement written content? According to WordStream, having a video on your website can increase your conversion rate by 80%.

Video marketing should be a key component of your chiropractic marketing strategy. Whether you use videos to showcase a new chiropractic product or service, boost engagement on your social media platforms, or educate your patients, video marketing will effectively grow your online presence and reach more potential chiropractic patients.

Here are some Chiropractic Video Ideas: 

  • What to expect during your first chiropractic adjustment
  • Why you should see a chiropractor
  • Informational series that includes tips
  • Tension headache relief from home 
  • Signs you need a chiropractor
  • Patient testimonials
  • How to relieve back and neck pain at home

Make sure your videos are less than five minutes. Visitors who click on your video want to be engaged and be informed. Don’t waste any time during your video. 

Read on: How to Organize Your Chiropractic YouTube Channel

Tool #6: Reputation Management

Chiropractor marketing goes beyond controlling the content you publish on your digital marketing platforms. Chiropractic clinics should also manage what patients are saying about them. This is where reputation management comes in.

Reputation management is the digital version of word-of-mouth marketing. You should proactively monitor what people say about your business online. You can use reviews to your advantage, whether it’s a positive review or a negative comment.

When you monitor a review online, you should acknowledge the review. If it’s a positive review, you should thank the reviewer and consider posting their review on your official website.

When you encounter a negative review, you should acknowledge it too. This review is an opportunity to fix your relationship with that unsatisfied client and demonstrate how you care for all your clients. Aside from acknowledging the review, you should make it up to that client by offering a free consultation or inviting them back to your clinic so they’d have a better experience.

Not only would you be able to fix your relationship with that client, but you’d also show everyone else that you care about what your patients think. Potential patients would think that you value what they think of your services.

Tool #7: Website Design

Creating a website and using the same design forever is not enough. If you want to improve your chiropractic marketing strategies, you should revisit your website design every few years.

Why? Your website should be updated to contain accurate information about your chiropractic clinic. Moreover, you should consider adding website features that would improve patients’ experience on your website.

Your website design is fundamentally your digital calling card, and you would want to make a good impression. If your website is outdated and takes forever to load, people might lose interest in your chiropractic services and move on to the next clinic.

When your clinic has a professional-looking website design, more patients will perceive it as trustworthy and competent. An excellent website design goes beyond aesthetics. You should ensure that your website loads fast, no matter the device the user is using. It can be challenging to keep people’s attention online. Potential patients might be turned off if you have a beautiful website that looks weird on a desktop or mobile.

Tool #8: Email Marketing Tool

If you want to keep your business top-of-mind regarding chiropractic care, you should consider investing in email marketing. Email marketing allows you to maximize your network and promote your various services.

Email marketing can help your business build credibility and educate your network. Moreover, it’s a stellar way to drive traffic to your website. The more patients visit your website, the higher the possibility they’d book an appointment at your clinic.

An email marketing tool would make sending many emails easier for your business. It can also help you craft personalized emails that drive more people to visit your clinic. Whether you have a new promo or blog post, you should make sure it reaches as many people as possible. Email marketing allows you to share updates with past patients and potential ones.

Tool #9: Performance Marketing

While search engine optimization can help your business reach the coveted first page of search engine results, you should complement your efforts with paid ads. Also known as PPC marketing, paid ads allow you to maximize your exposure to potential patients online.

What’s great about PPC marketing is that you only pay each time a user clicks on the ad. It’s an affordable yet efficient way to reach people who are interested in your business. When your business appears on the first page of search engine results, people are likelier to visit your website.

PPC marketing is easy to monitor. There are many digital marketing tools you can use to measure your campaign’s performance. These tools can help you improve your campaign for future ads.

Benefits of Marketing for Chiropractors

Why should you invest in digital marketing efforts? Focusing on marketing your business can unlock compelling benefits.

1. Increase Brand Awareness

Whether you’re a new clinician or a veteran in the industry doesn’t matter. The more people know of your clinic, the higher the possibility these people will become future patients. Digital marketing can help more people discover your business. While they may not book an appointment at your clinic immediately, they might tap you in the future.

2. Build Trust

People are likelier to visit a trustworthy clinic. While you should invest in offering the best services, how will people learn about your practice if you don’t put yourself out there? Your marketing platforms allow you to showcase what your clinic can offer. Moreover, your content can position your practice as an establishment that can rely on for their chiropractic needs.

3. Improve Client Relationships

You want patients to keep on coming back to your chiropractic clinic. Digital marketing can help you build relationships with patients by keeping your business top-of-mind regarding chiropractic care. Moreover, patients become more aware of what your business can offer.

When you take care of your relationships, you foster customer loyalty. Loyal customers can lead to more patients because they can vouch for the service you offer.

4. Get Client Feedback

How can you improve your services when you don’t allow your patients to share their sentiments? Your digital marketing platforms make it easier for patients to reach your clinic and share valuable feedback.

Ready to Use These Marketing Tools at Your Chiropractic Practice? 

Implement these top five chiropractic marketing tools to expand your practice and showcase your top services to potential patients searching online for a chiropractor. Don’t have time? We understand that making changes to your marketing strategy can be challenging, especially if you’re doing it on your own. 

Let experts take care of your chiropractic marketing strategy. Give us a call at 800.792.8384 or click here to learn more about our digital chiropractic marketing solutions.

Let Us Help You Gain And Retain More Ideal Patients

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