20 Proven Content Marketing Strategies for Doctors

Marketing plays a vital role in the growth and success of any business, including companies in the medical care industry. Your online presence serves as the bridge that connects healthcare providers with prospective patients who need their services. An effective content marketing strategy attracts new patients to your clinic and nurtures relationships with current ones, fostering trust and loyalty.

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, where competition is often fierce, a well-executed content marketing strategy helps practices stand out, communicate their expertise, and demonstrate a genuine commitment to the well-being of their patients. In doing so, it ensures the sustainability of the practice and contributes to the overall health and satisfaction of the community it serves. So, what are the top content ideas that can lead to a stellar content marketing strategy? We’ll dive into content marketing ideas your healthcare practice can explore to take your content marketing to the next level.

content marketing cycle - creating publishing distributing

1. Educational Blog Posts

You can reach potential patients and resonate with current ones by featuring educational blog posts on your professional website. What does your clinic specialize in? You should write website content that centers on the services you’re best known for and what you can contribute to enrich the lives of current and potential patients.

Creating content via blog posts can be an excellent opportunity to position yourself as a thought leader in the subject matter. Your blog page gives you the platform to explain medical conditions your team can help with, treatments that can change people’s lives, and even lifestyle advice. Your content strategy should focus on the value that your business brings to people’s lives.

Think about your target audience and determine what content would resonate best with them. You should produce high-quality content, not only with your words but also with how you illustrate your content. Blog posts are more than just paragraphs of advice and information. It would be best to consider how people would digest the information you’re partaking in your blog posts. 

Here are some engaging blog ideas you can try to improve your healthcare content strategy:

  • Partner with Trusted Health Care Workers
  • Simple Changes That Can Change Your Health
  • Why Regular Checkups Should Be In Your Calendar
  • Home Remedies That Can Save You Money
  • What To Do In Emergency Situations

Also, your blog page shouldn’t just be about producing excellent blog post content. You should ensure your website content is updated with the latest information. Delete website content that isn’t performing up to par or helping you achieve your goals. This can help your website rank higher on search engines.

2. Patient Stories

Doctor with senior patient

Do you have interesting patient success stories that could potentially inspire others? Try including your patients’ testimonials in your stellar content marketing campaign. Your customers’ experiences at your clinic can motivate others to visit you and try your services themselves.

With your patients’ consent, you can develop stories that showcase what you do best. These materials are great content marketing examples because they can be used on a web page or newsletter as well as for social media marketing.

3. Video Tutorials

woman watching online videos

Video marketing has become vital in this digital age, and it’s challenging to get people’s attention. What makes video content such a worthwhile investment is how easy it is to repurpose online videos for your various marketing platforms. From social media posts to your website and email newsletters to looped videos in your clinic, this type of content creation is multipurpose and impactful.

What kind of video content should your clinic produce? Your videos explain medical procedures conducted in your facility. It would also be excellent if you talked about common health issues that your patients undergo and tips for maintaining good health.

When creating video content, remember not to make your videos too long. You don’t want people to skip relevant content because the videos are too lengthy. Moreover, you should ensure that your language is simple enough. You don’t want to alienate people using too many complicated medical terms. Marketing for doctors requires simplifying medical terms for a wider audience.

4. Infographics

While you can explain in a stellar blog post the nitty gritty of what you do, one factor that contributes to a successful content marketing campaign is simplicity. You can present complicated data and information while making it simple by creating an eye-catching infographic.

When developing resource infographics, you should bear in mind that the human brain can digest only so much information at a time. Your infographic should focus on pertinent information to raise your business’s value. You can explain further through your social media caption or blog content. At the same time, you wouldn’t want the graphic to be so bare that people won’t understand what you’re trying to share. Healthcare providers should provide a healthy balance so the infographics are informative yet interesting.

5. E-Books and Guides

young female in headphones enjoying music and reading ebook

A stellar way to position yourself as a thought leader that people can trust is by developing e-books and guides. Your e-book can be a more comprehensive version of the topics you share through your blog articles. This content marketing strategy helps encourage more people to associate your business with trusted healthcare and solidifies your expertise in the subject matter.

What topics should you write e-books and guides about? You can zero in on health topics that your target audience focuses on. If you’re a chiropractor, you should write about the health benefits of getting back adjustments. If you’re an ophthalmologist, your e-book should be about your most requested service.

While you can opt to sell your e-books to generate revenue, it would be excellent to offer these resources for free in exchange for subscriptions. Why? You can entice these people to become your future patients with a fantastic email marketing campaign.

6. Webinars and Live Q&A Sessions

Q and A sessions for heathcare practice

Your healthcare business should explore hosting webinars and live question-and-answer sessions. This is a great way to get your audience involved in your content marketing strategy. At the same time, you have an opportunity to answer your target audience’s most burning questions.

What’s great about this content strategy is that you don’t need a lot to get started. You can begin by going Live on social media using smartphone devices or a laptop. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook allow businesses and people to interact with their network in real-time through Live videos.

When hosting a live session, you should ensure you spread the word as much as possible. You should post about the Live session on social media, send email blasts, and tell your network via SMS. The more people are aware of the webinars, the better. If you’re wondering what type of webinars you should host, here are some ideas:

  • Home Remedies 101
  • Debunking Healthcare Myths

7. Social Media Engagement

Man on a swing using phone to engage in social media platform

No content marketing strategy is complete without maximizing your social media platforms. Creating content for social media is crucial for any business to stand out from the competition. With the plethora of information available on the internet, how can you position your business in a unique light?

The key is to focus on your target audience regarding content marketing. It would be best to share health tips, news, and relevant articles to which your market would respond well. Social media is crucial to any content marketing campaign, especially if trying to reach a younger audience.

Aside from sharing valuable content, it would be best to humanize your business by sharing company milestones such as your practice’s anniversary, your doctors’ birthdays, and local events. Moreover, it would help if you encouraged people to engage in your posts. You should always ask your audience’s thoughts and involve them in your social media strategy.

Navigating social media can be challenging for any business. However, you should ensure that you’re aware of the latest trends and media, such as TikTok and IG Reels. Once you’re familiar with the platforms your market uses the most, you will find it easier to develop materials for content marketing.

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8. Podcasts

start podcast for content marketing

A podcast is a stellar platform for you to discuss medical topics and interview experts from the same field. If you’re comfortable talking to your patients for hours, don’t be afraid of starting a healthcare-focused podcast or being featured as a guest on other healthcare industry-related podcasts.

It’s not just doctors’ blogs that are getting attention nowadays. Doctor podcasts have also risen in popularity. Podcasts are an excellent way of consuming educational, entertaining, and newsworthy content. Your audience can listen to your podcast while on their daily commute, working, or even caring for household chores.

How do you get started on your podcast for content marketing? To determine what strategy is best for your clinic, you should try listening to other chiropractic and optometry podcasts. The Evidence-Based Chiropractor is a great listen if you want to develop relationships with your patients. If you want to focus on interviewing other experts in the field, BrightFocus Chats is an insightful podcast example.

9. Email Newsletters

healthcare newsletter as marketing strategy

You can repurpose the blog posts you worked on through an email newsletter. You should send a regular newsletter featuring health tips, news, and updates to your subscribers. You may be wondering, ‘Why should I send out a newsletter when I already have a blog page?’ This platform allows you to be top-of-mind regarding healthcare. Moreover, it’s a stellar way to improve your website’s organic traffic. Don’t hesitate to create various content formats using the same materials because, overall, it takes your online content marketing to the next level. Aside from allowing your audience to stay updated on your clinic, it would help if you encouraged them to subscribe to your healthcare newsletter because it will let them stay updated with the latest research in their field.

10. Whitepapers

If you have content marketing statistics that interest your prospective and existing customers, you should demonstrate your expertise through whitepapers. Whitepapers allow you to dive into your research findings and elucidate in-depth reports on critical medical issues.

Contrary to what you may think, you don’t need to be published in a medical journal to produce whitepapers. You can conduct research on your existing data in the clinic. Content marketing is about maximizing all the materials available to generate more leads and ultimately benefit your business.

11. Online Reviews and Testimonials

Online patient reviews and testimonials

You should share the flattering online reviews people post about your business on social media and review websites. If these people have photos or videos of your clinic, that would be ideal. User-generated content fortifies people’s trust in your business. Moreover, the content would be more believable if it came from your customers.

To have plenty of content marketing materials like this, you should be proactive in pushing your clients to submit their reviews on your healthcare establishment. Online platforms like Google My Business, Healthgrades, or Zocdoc can streamline this process and let you pick the creme of the crop for content marketing purposes.

If you’re planning to use this type of content for your marketing strategy, remember to ask for their permission to post. You can use this material on different content marketing platforms, like social media and your website.

12. Interactive Quizzes

Creating interactive quizzes for patients

Get your patients involved by creating interactive quizzes they can take. Your quizzes should be fun, yet they should focus on health and wellness, particularly the healthcare that your business specializes in. When creating quizzes for content marketing, you should circle back on the value that your establishment offers. It would be ideal if your business provided insights and recommendations based on the results.

Aside from interactive quizzes, you can also explore creating simple yet entertaining games. Your goal should be to make healthcare fun yet educational.

13. Healthcare Apps and Tools

If you’ve got the resources, you should consider developing healthcare apps and tools that can help patients monitor their health. This content marketing effort makes it easier for your business to gather data from your patients and communicate with them.

If you lack the bandwidth and budget to develop your own app, consider partnering with an existing one and encouraging your patients to download it.

14. Collaborate With Influencers

Your content marketing strategy shouldn’t just focus on your existing platforms. You can collaborate with healthcare influencers or professionals to reach a wider audience.

When choosing the perfect partners for this project, you should consider your target market. Your mindset should be quality over quantity. It would be best if you didn’t choose a partner based on their number of followers. You should choose someone who can effectively reach your market.

15. Community Involvement

Group of people working in charitable foundation

Your partnerships shouldn’t stop at influencers. It would be best if you got your community involved in your content marketing strategy. Participate in or sponsor community events, health fairs, or workshops to build a local presence. Choose relevant projects for your business and cater to the people you want to reach.

Getting involved in your local community may require investment, but it can be content marketing gold. You will have the opportunity to network within your local area. Simultaneously, you’ll have stellar materials for content marketing purposes.

16. Guest Blogging

As a doctor, you have tremendous opportunity to put all the networking you’ve amassed to great use. Whether it’s over a convention of practitioners or a gathering of an association of your local chapter, the ease of reaching out to a wider audience outside the realm of your website and social network is tremendous in your profession.

Guest posting essentially means reaching out to those who trust you in your authority and credibility so you can contribute content to their website, mainly through blogs, articles, and thought-leadership material. Such articles usually link back to a relevant section on your site. Say you’re writing about ‘Employing Chiropractors in Tennis Academies’, this article can link back to Sports Chiropractors page on your site. Such links on third-party sites are known as backlinking and they contribute immensely toward your SEO.

17. Content Audit

Search engines such as Google like fresh and updated content. And there’s no dearth of such content in your field of expertise. Whether the content is on one of the service pages on your website or on a blog you wrote last year, a regular content audit helps you identify the scope for introducing up-to-date information. The sooner you do it, the better your website’s chances of catching Google’s eye.

Is there a new treatment available? Or perhaps a cutting edge equipment that makes the current process painless and quick? Keep an eye on the developments in your field and be the early bird to incorporate such information into your existing content. Sometimes, a minor update to your existing blog can boost its performance significantly.

18. Local SEO

While you’d want to cement your status in the healthcare industry, sometimes, the best way to attract more patients is to go local. When people search for chiropractors or eye doctors, they usually look for ones nearby. This is where local search engine optimization (SEO( can swoop in and attract more patients.

Local SEO is the process of improving your searchability, website traffic, and brand awareness locally. You essentially target a geographical location, which can be your state, city, or even your neighborhood. There are plenty of ways to maximize local SEO through content marketing, such as localizing your website, focusing on your Google My Business listing, choosing the right keywords for your content, and managing reviews.

19. Healthcare News and Editorial Content

A newspaper with a Health and Medical headline

What’s the latest news in your industry? Are there any groundbreaking research or services that might interest your audience? You should share this information as part of your healthcare content marketing strategy.

There are various ways to share healthcare news creatively. These could be bite-sized pieces of info that go well on your social media. You could create infographics summarizing and simplifying findings or even carousel posts highlighting their relevance to your clientele. What matters is that you help them understand concepts they may not comprehend from reading scholarly journals. This content demonstrates your penchant for staying updated and reflects positively on your authority in your field.

20. Encourage and Implement User Generated Content

Marketing strategies like user-generated content are a great way to improve your search engine rankings and strengthen your healthcare provider’s website. These pieces of content, as the name suggests, share firsthand information and experience about your practice from medical professionals.

You should proactively encourage your patients to post about their experiences at your clinic or practice. Host contests where patients share their best health tips or pet care advice and tag your official page. User-generated content can fortify your client relationships while motivating others to post.

How Can Content Marketing Be Effective for Doctors?

Content marketing can add value to your practice in various ways. Publishing content establishes trust and credibility. Healthcare providers can position themselves as trustworthy experts by sharing their knowledge with a broader audience.

Through content marketing, you can better educate patients. In addition to sharing basic tips and tricks, you can debunk common myths to help patients better care for themselves and their loved ones. They can turn to you for help if they need further assistance.

Content marketing can also be beneficial to search engine optimization. Creating blog posts and other content provides you with opportunities to strategically include keywords that can push your website to the top of search engine results. You can take your content marketing efforts to the next level with packages from iMatrix.

Which Types of Content Marketing Should Doctors Focus on More?

Healthcare researcher

Research shows that over 56% of Americans watch videos on social media platforms. If your practice isn’t creating video content, you’re missing out on plenty of opportunities. But what kind of videos should you produce? If you’re a chiropractor, you should ride on the wave of ASMR or patient session videos to encourage more people to book an appointment. You can get inspiration from popular pages such as Advanced Chiropractor Relief to get started.

If you’re a veterinarian, you can pick up some tips and tricks from popular veterinarian social media influencers like Dr. Evan Antin. He posts a lot of content inside and outside the clinic. If you’re an eye doctor and you’d like to learn how to effectively educate patients, you can learn a thing or two from Doctor Eye Health on YouTube.

You shouldn’t just focus on creating high-quality videos. You should also consider writing blog posts. Some people still read articles online instead of watching 8—to 10-minute videos on social media. When writing articles, you should keep in mind your target audience. As much as possible, you should keep it simple and avoid using complicated jargon only other doctors can understand.

How can iMatrix Help you Design a Perfect Content Marketing Strategy for your Practice?

Our services are tailored to chiropractors, veterinarians, and eye doctors who want to elevate their online presence, establish thought leadership, and more. We offer flexible plans that grow with you, including SEO, social media marketing, review automation, and more. Whether you’re a startup or an established practice, we can help you improve your digital marketing efforts and more.

What are your specific goals? We can help tailor packages that address your needs while maximizing your budget. Content marketing may be challenging, but we can help you navigate the challenges. For more information on digital marketing packages that include content creation, call 800.792.8384 or click here.


Can doctors be content creators?

Yes, nowadays, creating content isn’t optional for doctors. It’s necessary to remain relevant.

Is there a social media for doctors?

There are social networks for doctors, but to reach your target audience, you should focus on platforms your market prefers.

How do I advertise my new medical practice?

There are various ways to advertise a new practice, such as social media marketing, website development, blog posts, and paid ads.

Author: Liliana Cervantes

Liliana Cervantes is iMatrix’s resident content specialist who works on all our online blog resources. She provides the iMatrix website with high-quality content to provide our readers with plenty of information to educate and inspire them with their digital marketing efforts. Liliana writes about tips and trends for readers to try on social media, their website, and their own blog content.

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